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5-MTHF: B12’s Best Friend

5-MTHF (also known as 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and methylfolate) is a powerful aid for methylation of B12–vitamin B12 is a vital nutrient that we can’t survive without. 5-MTHF binds onto the B12 that elevated biotics create inside the ileum. Elevated biotics are microorganisms from fresh foods plucked straight from the plant, such as an apple, kale leaf, or berry, that are undiscovered by medical re...

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) / ME

CFS is also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS), and Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease (SEID). CFS—or whichever name for it speaks to you—is neurological fatigue from an ongoing and chronic Stage Four Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. Any of the over 60 varieties of Epstein-Barr virus, accompanied by toxic heavy metals such as mercury a...

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Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Over 95 percent of today’s thyroid disorders, including Hashimoto’s, stem from a viral infection. (The other 5 percent come from radiation.) That virus is Epstein-Barr (EBV). After a long incubation period—typically in the liver—EBV begins its journey to the thyroid, and then enters into the tissue there. Over time, the viral load will weaken the thyroid, making it less effective at producing the h...

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Lichen Sclerosus

Lichen sclerosus results from Epstein-Barr in the liver consuming copper, mercury, and traces of inherited DDT. The resulting dermatoxins float to the surface of the skin and can go anywhere, though they tend to stay lower in the body, most of the time from the waist down. That’s because the traces of DDT in the dermatoxins tend to pull them downward when they enter the bloodstream and settle in the...

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There are different types of asthma, not just one as medical communities believe. Viral Neurological Asthma: When a virus is present in the body, it can feed off certain foods and toxins, and produce viral neurotoxins as a result. These viral neurotoxins that are released from the viruses build up inside the liver and eventually escape the liver and float around in the body, and inevitably touch th...

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Viruses and bacteria feed on sources that include foreign hormones from animal products and synthetic, manufactured sources to which we’re commonly exposed, often via our food, water, laundry and cleaning products, perfumes and colognes, air fresheners, scented candles, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, plastics, and more. The byproduct that these pathogens produce in and around the female reprod...

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Tibial Nerve Inflammation

Tibial nerves run through the lower leg into the feet. These nerves get inflamed by bugs such as Epstein-Barr and Shingles feeding off of toxic heavy metals or chemicals causing: Buzzing, Humming, and Vibrations in Legs Restless Leg Syndrome Heel Pain Toe Pain Foot Pain Ankle Pain Thigh Pain Burning Sensations in Legs and Feet Difficulty Walking To hea...

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Dates: Digestive Helper

Dates are amazing for the digestive system. As one of the most anti-parasitical foods on the planet, dates bind onto, destroy, and sweep away parasites; yeast, mold, and other fungus; heavy metals; unproductive bacteria; viruses; and other poisonous pathogens from the gut. It makes them one of the most beneficial Candida killers known to humankind—despite the misinformation out there about dates fee...

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Sciatic Nerve Inflammation

The sciatic nerves get inflamed by bugs such as Epstein-Barr (EBV) and Shingles feeding off of toxic heavy metals or chemicals causing: Sciatica pain anywhere from your lower back to your feet, including in the feet, shins, knees, thighs, gluteus, and lower back Burning sensations Burning pain Vibrations on legs and feet Numbness in toes Leg spasms and tics Restle...

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Vestibular Nerve Inflammation

The vestibular nerve comes out of the brain stem and heads towards the ear. These nerves get inflamed by Epstein-Barr (EBV) causing: Ringing. Buzzing. Popping. Humming. Vibrating. Fluttering. Whooshing. Unexplained hearing loss. Shooting pain deep within the ear. Sharp pains behind the ear. To heal these symptoms, it’s critical to focus on using the healing tools in the Medical Medium boo...

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Trigeminal Nerve Inflammation

The trigeminal nerves are cranial nerves in the face that can become inflamed by bugs such as Shingles and Herpes Simplex feeding off of toxic heavy metals or chemicals. This can cause: TMJ Jaw Pain Teeth Pain Jaw Clenching Jaw Stiffness Crooked Jaw Teeth Grinding Burning Gums Pain in the Head and Face Electrical Shocks in Head and Face Headach...

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Phrenic Nerve Inflammation

The phrenic nerves, which run through the chest, are some of the body’s north-south connectors (brain-gut). These phrenic nerves can get inflamed by pathogens such as Epstein-Barr, shingles, herpes simplex, and other herpetic viruses feeding off of toxic heavy metals or chemicals. This can cause: Tingles and numbness in shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers Trigger thumbs Tics and spasms on arms and h...

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Dairy Troublemaker

Dairy, including milk, cheese, butter, cream, whey or whey protein powder, kefir, yogurt, ghee, sheep’s milk, goat cheese, and all other dairy, feeds pathogens. Plus, if you’re eating dairy, it prevents your body from cleansing, which means the toxins and pathogens behind chronic illness can’t leave your body so you can heal. Dairy doesn’t just get broken down, digested, and sent on its way through ...

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Parsley: Alkalizing Herb

Parsley fights acidosis and can alkalize the entire body, crossing body systems and driving out acidity across the board. (Note that pH strips don’t give you the feedback on body acidity that you may think they do. You can read more about this in Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How To Finally Heal). Parsley’s specialized mineral salts bind onto unproductive acids in t...

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Constipation develops due to a chronically sluggish, stagnant liver that’s producing less bile and has become fatty from a range of factors such as toxic heavy metals, various other toxins, and low-grade viral or bacterial infection in both the liver and the intestinal tract. When present in the gut, pathogenic infection can cause narrowing and/or expanding in both the small intestine and colon. Vir...

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Magnesium Glycinate

Magnesium glycinate is a fantastic aid for muscle and nerve pain, cramps, spasms, headaches, and migraines–to name a few. It supports the brain and nervous system, which makes it a great choice for those who experience neurological symptoms such as twitching, restless leg syndrome, anxiety, tremors, weak limbs, depression, seizures, TMJ, tics, tingles and numbness, fatigue, and dizziness. It also he...

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Ashwagandha: Adrenal Strengthener

Ashwagandha has incredible adaptogenic properties, which means it can help you handle whatever comes your way, supporting you to quickly and effectively adapt to the circumstances of the moment. Ashwagandha strengthens the adrenals, keeping them from over- or underreacting, which is a pattern these glands assume as they weaken when under adrenal stress. This herb also minimizes adrenal surges that ...

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Hidden Toxic Exposures That Make Us Sick

Many of the toxins inside of us that can cause illness, symptoms, and conditions come from hidden sources–toxins that we often aren’t even aware we are being exposed to or that cause more harm than we understand. Some of the most problematic hidden toxic exposures come from: Mercury Air Fresheners Scented Candles Conventional Laundry Detergent Fabric Softener Perfume, Cologne, and Aftershave Fungici...

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There are physical causes behind addiction that medical research and science are unaware of. For one, a deficiency of glycogen and mineral salts in the brain from a lack of glucose entering the brain (from fruits, potatoes, sweet potatoes, winter squashes, raw honey, coconut water), partly due to years of high-fat/high-protein diet, and a lack of mineral salts from sources such as celery juice and l...

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Depression can be caused by obvious identifiable events, such as traumatic loss, traumatic stress, and emotional injury. These traumas can create a lasting neurotransmitter deficiency, leading to depression that sometimes continues past the time of hardship. In other cases, we can point to identifiable daily challenges as the source of depression. Then there’s unexplained depression, which is caused...

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Chronic Dehydration

The majority of people are living with low-grade chronic dehydration without even realizing it. Dehydration isn’t just about the last day or week or month of your life. It can be a chronic issue, and many babies are even born already dehydrated. Both children and adults are chronically dehydrated. In addition to being born with dehydration, it can also develop from: Not consuming enough living wate...

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When acne is present, it means that the liver and lymphatic system are harboring a chronic, low-grade level of Streptococcus–it can be one or more strains from the over 50 groups of Streptococcus bacteria. Acne develops when strep has made a long-term home inside the body after (sometimes long after) a strep-related infection. Strep lives in the liver due to the abundance of food (such as antibioti...

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Vitiligo is a viral condition—not a genetic condition or the body attacking itself. Dermatoxins injure the cells that produce skin pigment, which are hypersensitive to these poisons. These dermatoxins come from a pathogen, HHV-6 or occasionally an EBV variety, sitting inside the liver feeding on high amounts of the toxic heavy metal aluminum, traces of formaldehyde, and traces of the toxic copper. M...

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Physical Injuries That Won’t Heal

If an injury that seems like it should have gotten better a long time ago is still causing you pain and suffering, it may feel very disheartening if doctors can’t determine why you’re not feeling better and loved ones can’t understand why you’re not back to your old self. Take heart, there are real explanations for your continued suffering. A twisted ankle, broken leg, car accident, or other physic...

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Lemon Water

Lemon water is the perfect way to hydrate, purify, and revitalize your body each morning. Water coming straight from the tap or a bottle has lost its vitality and its innate living structure. By adding fresh squeezed lemon juice, you “wake up” the water and bring it back to life. This allows it to travel more deeply into your tissues and cells and carry the essential nutrients and compounds you need...

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Fibroids are growths in the uterus that can be like smooth pieces of muscle. They can be the size of an egg or even the size of a small grapefruit. Fibroids can be incredibly disruptive and difficult to deal with, even causing bleeding and extreme discomfort. As with most chronic illnesses, medical communities don’t yet know the true cause of fibroids. There is only speculation and theory about why...

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Healing Benefits of Cranberries

Cranberries are well known for their profound antiseptic role in healing urinary tract infections and yeast infections. That power comes from cranberries’ ability to fight Streptococcus bacteria—because most of the time, chronic strep infections are behind these conditions. (Even though in yeast infections, the origin of the problem is misdiagnosed as fungal, really, the yeast is secondary.) Cranbe...

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Sage: Fungus Fighter

This herb’s nature is geared toward fighting fungus. Consuming sage is wonderful for healing fungal infections such as athlete’s foot and jock itch from the inside out, as well as tackling mutant strains of fungus in the intestinal tract. If you’ve been exposed to toxic mold, turn to sage to help detoxify. Also, sage helps remove toxic heavy metals from the intestinal tract. How To Use: Use fresh ...

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Cauliflower: Endocrine Support

Cauliflower contains the trace mineral boron, which helps the endocrine system. And yet cauliflower gets more attention for the so-called goitrogens it contains. Cauliflower does the very opposite of what the hype says—it helps the thyroid and the rest of the endocrine system (including the hypothalamus and adrenal glands) to stave off the pathogens like Epstein-Barr virus that are truly behind issu...

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EBV Stages of Infection

Epstein-Barr virus is responsible for symptoms, conditions, diseases, disorders, and illnesses of every kind. Medical research and science are unaware of how many symptoms and conditions EBV causes. They’re also unaware that the virus goes through multiple stages: Stage 1 If you catch EBV, it goes through an initial dormant period of floating around in your bloodstream doing little more than slowly...

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Nature Therapy

In the New York Times best-selling book, Medical Medium Revised & Expanded: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How To Finally Heal, I share a collection of some of powerful nature-based meditations. Ideally, we would all have fully intact souls. Over the course of life’s hardships, though, a soul can become fractured and even lose pieces of itself. This can be caused by traumatic events...

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Eczema & Psoriasis

Eczema and psoriasis occur due to a pathogen—usually EBV—in the liver that’s feeding off of high levels of the toxic heavy metals copper and mercury that are there. There’s usually also old DDT and other pesticides in the liver also, which are high in copper. For eczema it is half copper and half mercury; for psoriasis it is three-quarters copper with one-quarter mercury. When the virus feeds off th...

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Jaundice is a liver condition from pathogens and toxic heavy metals creating bouts of acute inflammation or long-term chronic liver diseases, tumors, or cysts. Adults can experience jaundice, but it’s especially common in babies. Jaundice in a baby is actually a baby’s liver trying to overcome a highly toxic load, to rev its engine and function in the face of obstacles that are not understood by med...

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Different types of skin conditions come from different troublemakers in the liver providing fuel to different types of pathogens. Rosacea is actually one variety of eczema. When someone has a rosacea-style rash on the nose, cheeks, chin, or forehead, it’s just a garden variety of eczema that happens to appear on the face, not yet another separate, mysterious skin condition. When a virus, most comm...

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Epstein-Barr Virus

As mentioned in my book series, there are currently over 60 varieties of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and this number is growing. In the past, medical research and science have always believed there is just one variety of EBV, but recently they have been saying there are two varieties of EBV. This change in what medical research and science have always said is due to Medical Medium published information...

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L-Lysine: Pathogen Inhibitor

This amino acid enters the liver and acts as a smokescreen to all of the pathogens that are responsible for liver disease and autoimmune disorders. Pathogens, especially those in the herpetic family such as Epstein-Barr, shingles, HHV-6, HHV-7, and the undiscovered HHV-10, HHV-11, HHV-12, HHV13, HHV-14, HHV-15, and HHV-16, hate lysine. It’s like the powder that comes out of a fire extinguisher—a ret...

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The shingles virus is responsible for millions of people’s mystery symptoms.⁣ There are over 30 varieties of shingles, and only some of them are rashing varieties. There are also many non-rashing varieties. Undiscovered varieties of shingles are responsible for Bell’s palsy, frozen shoulder, diabetic nerve pain, colitis, vaginal burning, TMJ, trigeminal neuralgia, sciatica, tooth and gum pain, tooth...

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Epstein-Barr Virus

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has created a secret epidemic. Out of the roughly 320 million people in the U.S., over 225 million Americans have some form of EBV. Epstein-Barr is responsible for mystery illnesses of every category: For some people, it creates fatigue and pain that go unnamed. For others, EBV symptoms prompt doctors to prescribe ineffective treatments, such as hormone replacement. And...

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Broccoli: Nutrient All-Rounder

Broccoli is an all-purpose multivitamin for the body, plus it contains bioavailable trace minerals and other nutrients that enhance all body systems, including the entire immune system. Nature made broccoli in this way, with a balance that can’t be matched, to offer a little something for every organ, gland, bone, nerve, and more in the body. Cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, but also cab...

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When the blood becomes thick and filled with an overflow of poisons from a dysfunctional liver for far too long, it carries a poisonous load—that is, it’s dirty blood. As a result, waste can settle in different areas of your body. The joints are one such place, because the joints in farther reaching points of your body are naturally places of lower circulation. Gout is really a serious liver conditi...

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The messages out there about eggs can get confusing. We often hear that they’re a healthy food—a perfect food, even—and a well-balanced source of protein. The truth is that long before pathogens such as unproductive viruses, bacteria, and even funguses invaded our bodies and created our current culture of chronic illness as the new normal, eggs were a survival food. While they weren’t good for us, t...

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Medical Medium Anti-Bug Cleanse

The Medical Medium Anti-Bug Cleanse starves bugs such as viruses and unproductive bacteria that are responsible for chronic illness. Pathogens cause conditions such as autoimmune disease and all its symptoms. By removing specific foods from your diet that are outlined in the chapter on the Anti-Bug in Cleanse in Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal: Healing Plans for Sufferers of Anxiety, Depression, Acne...

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Grapes: Kidney & Liver Support

Grapes are a first-rate fruit that promote wellness of the highest level. Grapes have a tartness, which is a key medicinal quality. That sourness indicates the presence of phytochemicals critical to kidney function. If you’ve ever heard that you have elevated creatinine levels, this means your kidneys have become compromised in their ability to remove and excrete waste products from the bloodstream....

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Mango: Stress & Sleep Aid

Mango is a miracle sleep aid. When you eat mango before bed, phytochemicals from the fruit, along with amino acids such as glycine, glutamine, and cysteine combined with fructose and glucose, travel to the brain and quickly restore depleted neurotransmitters. This allows most insomniacs a chance to finally get some true rest during the night. Mangoes are also beneficial for a whole slew of other asp...

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Leafy Greens: Liver Purifier

Leafy greens such as lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, mâche, and watercress deserve are key to help restore your health. Leafy greens help with intestinal disorders. They help create a more alkaline stomach composition by raising beneficial hydrochloric acid levels, which in turn kills off the unproductive bacteria that create the bad acids responsible for GERD and other forms of acid reflux. They he...

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