Medical Medium Healing Essential

Video: Difficulty Coping

Difficulty Coping

Difficulty Coping

People should never be blamed for a struggle to cope. What’s really happening is a sensitive central nervous system and neurotransmitters that are weakened. The person is not weak. You could be the strongest person with the strongest will, spirit, personality, and nature—and when neurotransmitters are affected in some way, it makes it tough to deal with some of life’s challenges. Neurotransmitter disorders are common for anybody dealing with ME/CFS or any kind of autoimmune condition. Toxic heavy metal loads and viral loads combined create a lot of neurotoxins, which weaken neurotransmitters. When this is coupled with adrenal issues and other symptoms, it can be difficult to cope with any additional stressor that comes your way.

Not that you need to be diagnosed with a condition to have trouble coping. Toxic heavy metals in the areas of the brain that help us process emotional information and maintain equilibrium when navigating challenges can make difficult times in life even more difficult. Heavy metals dampen and hamper neurotransmitter activity. That could cause someone to retreat or procrastinate during a time of emotional stress, which can lead to not feeling able to look at a document they’re supposed to look at, contact someone they’re supposed to contact, or generally “deal.”

There are also cases where someone can be very accomplished, with incredible grit, in one area of life and yet have an emotional sore spot or a soul injury with a PTSD pocket. Consider a super athlete with a strong personality, for example, who wakes up early every morning to run 20 miles, and yet you bring up a particular subject, and they can’t cope. Once again, that’s from heavy metals in certain areas of the brain creating little blocks. That will happen especially if someone has an emotional wound around the subject. Heavy metals and emotional wounds can cluster together in the brain by happenstance, making the wound or injury that much easier to trigger.

Find out how to heal in Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes.

This item posted: 13-Sep-2024

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