Medical Medium Healing Essential

Video: Who Is Protecting Your Health?

Who Is Protecting Your Health?

Who Is Protecting Your Health?

When it comes to chronic illness—whether it’s chronic acne, eczema, migraines, sleep issues, thyroid problems, mystery weight gain, tingles and numbness, ringing in the ears, dizziness, vision and eye problems, reproductive issues, cancer, diabetes, memory loss, fatigue, or any other chronic symptom or condition—the sad truth is that medical research and science don’t have the real answers for you. They don’t know the true causes of chronic illnesses and symptoms. And they don’t know the way to heal.

I love science and research. In other fields, such as medical technology that is instrumental for performing difficult, life-saving operations and computer technology, it is invaluable. But it falls short in chronic illness and even leads billions of people away from the truth. Science and research protects itself; it doesn’t protect you.

In truth, medical research and science often teaches medical communities that many chronic illnesses can’t be healed. Or they teach medical communities their theories on the causes of chronic illnesses, which are actually incorrect and have never been proven. For example, blaming chronic illness and conditions on your genes or on your body attacking itself (which are called autoimmune conditions). These are not the real causes of chronic illnesses and symptoms and even to this day they still haven't been proven to be the cause of chronic mystery illness (which is any symptom or condition with the cause unknown). The gene theory and autoimmune theory are scapegoats; a way to put the blame back on you and your body so medical research and science doesn’t have to take the blame.

Telling women that their own immune systems are destroying their glands and organs, or saying that they have faulty genes that are the reason for their struggles and suffering, is a new level of body shaming and women's disempowerment. Women's genes and bodies have not suddenly fallen apart in the last 25 to 30 years creating the epidemic of symptoms and conditions that we are facing today. We've never seen an epidemic of illness in history like we are seeing right now. Why would women's bodies suddenly start attacking themselves or why would their genes suddenly become faulty after thousands of years? There are real reasons why women and men are sick today. 

Perhaps you've even heard your symptoms and conditions are because of your emotions; or that you created your illness with your negative thoughts, fears and emotional struggles; or that your symptoms are all in your head. If so, it’s essential you know this also isn’t true. There’s nothing wrong with your body. Your body loves you unconditionally and works harder than you can imagine to keep you alive and as healthy as possible. 

There are very real physical reasons for your symptoms and your suffering that medical research and science are unaware of, and that’s what I share with you in all the Medical Medium books and information. It's critical that you know you can heal. You just need to know what's really behind your health struggles and the steps to take to heal the real cause. You can read about the causes of chronic illnesses and symptoms and how to heal in the Medical Medium book series. A great book for anyone to start with is Medical Medium Liver Rescue: Answers to Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloating, Gallstones, Adrenal Stress, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Weight Issues, SIBO & Autoimmune Disease.

This item posted: 19-Oct-2019

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