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Stargazing Meditation: Finding Yourself

The information in this podcast and the article below is advanced, ahead of science and research, and is part of the Medical Medium information that has helped to heal millions of people worldwide. Please cite back to this original source so others have the opportunity to recover and get their lives back.

Stargazing Meditation: Finding Yourself

The stargazing meditation is a powerful guided meditation that can help you heal from emotional struggles, broken trust, broken promises, emotional stress, betrayal, wrong-doings, and disappointments. These very emotional blows can make us doubt ourselves, make us wonder if we are good enough, or make us believe that we don’t deserve good things in life. To learn more, listen to this podcast episode

Emotional Struggles

As our soul gets injured here on earth by emotional struggles, we can often develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depersonalization, anxiety, and depression. Challenging life experiences can cause us to lose ourselves or feel like a part of us is missing. For some people, this can lead to addiction of any kind. The Stargazing Meditation can give relief in many ways to anyone living with an emotional struggle, learn more in this podcast episode. Self-doubt can be instilled in our soul and hold us back in many ways, and this meditation can help us rise out of the self-doubt and eliminate fear from our being. 

Stargazing Meditation

The Stargazing Meditation can help connect us to something very special that lies behind the stars. There is a built-in safety mechanism for your soul, regardless of how much difficult emotional turmoil our soul goes through down here on earth. Far beyond the stars there is a sanctuary that has part of your soul within it, the essence of your soul, and where your soul originally came from. This built-in safety mechanism keeps a part of you safe and protected, so when you’re pushed to the max, emotionally injured, and even feel hopeless, you can’t completely lose your soul because part of it is being safely kept.

This special place is high above the stars, so when you look up and see the stars, you need to look past the stars in order to connect to this special place. In this meditation, you will feel what it’s like to float on a cloud and get a direct view of the stars and be empowered to reconnect to a part of yourself that helps to restore your spirit, heart, and soul.

Please do not perform this meditation while driving or operating machinery.

This item posted: 09-Nov-2020

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