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Video: Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless Leg Syndrome

Do you struggle to fall asleep at night because of an overwhelming need to move your legs? Maybe you experience the aggravating sensation of an itch or tickle deep in your limbs that can’t be scratched? Millions of people are suffering from an issue with restless legs, but unfortunately medical communities are not aware of the true causes of this condition. As a result, doctors are unable to offer effective suggestions for addressing this syndrome’s root cause. In this article you will learn some of the most common causes of restless legs, along with different foods, supplements, and practices you can implement to recover from this condition and begin to experience the deep, restful nights of sleep you deserve. 

Different Causes of Restless Legs Syndrome

The name restless legs syndrome does not describe just one particular state of suffering. This syndrome presents itself in a variety of different ways, all of which can vary in the level of severity. Below are some of the most common causes of restless legs syndrome and some of the symptoms you may experience. Medical communities are unaware that these are the true causes of RLS.


In some cases of restless legs syndrome, people get an itch that they cannot scratch and cannot soothe. The infuriating feeling of itchiness usually occurs deep within the legs rather than on the surface. Typically, this kind is caused by a virus, the shingles family virus. There are undiscovered varieties of the shingles virus that don’t cause rashes but do cause many other symptoms. Medical communities aren’t yet aware of this. If you are experiencing this particular variety of restless legs syndrome, check out the “Shingles” chapter in my first book Medical Medium which talks about the different shingles varieties. Consider incorporating some of the healing foods, herbs, and supplements outlined in that chapter or take the chapter to your practitioner for help applying it.


Another form of restless legs can stem from sciatica. The sciatic nerve can cause a lot of restless leg issues, even if you don’t feel it directly at the nerve. In this case, restless legs syndrome can be caused by a disc issue, a direct injury, or it could also be triggered by a rashing or non-rashing strain of the shingles virus inflaming the sciatic nerve. Epstein-Barr virus, which I cover extensively in my book Thyroid Healing, can cause this too, but shingles is far more common. The shingles virus swells up the nerves in the lumbar spine, forcing the discs to move and causing the nerves to get squeezed. This is also behind the confusion when people are told they have a slipped disc, but they haven’t done anything to “cause” it. Viral activity alone can cause the discs in our spines to be forced out of position. That’s something your doctor isn’t going to tell you because they don’t know this. 

If you feel that your restless legs are stemming from a sciatic nerve issue, make sure to ice it at night and use warm heat in the morning. This will help calm that nerve down and help it begin to heal. I share the specifics of this strategy in my radio show and article on Recovering From Physical Injuries. Bringing antiviral supplements into your protocol, like those I list in Medical Medium and Thyroid Healing, can be critical as well. 

Intestinal Inflammation

It might surprise you to learn this, but restless legs can also be triggered by food moving through the colon. Sometimes people develop a little bit of gastritis because of inflammation from bacteria. As the gas bubbles are moving through the intestine they can hit inflamed areas, little pockets in the lining known as diverticulosis that could be caused by old E. coli or streptococcus. These gas bubbles traveling past can trigger restless legs because there are countless nerve endings in our intestinal tract. To better grasp this, it might be helpful to know that the intestinal tract is like a second nervous system. 

This is one of the most irritating and common causes of restless legs syndrome. Gas bubbles moving through the intestinal tract irritate the nerve endings in the colon that are connected to the lower half of your body, which can trigger sensations in the legs.

Another aspect of the intestinal causes of restless legs syndrome can be related to low HCL and low bile production. Medical science and research are unaware of this cause also. When there are not enough bile salts coming out of the liver to breakdown food properly, the food that isn’t broken down goes through the intestinal tract and rubs against sensitive nerves. Incorporating celery juice into your diet can be an incredible support for those suffering from this particular type of restless legs syndrome. 

Liver Inflammation

The liver and the intestines can go hand in hand when it comes to restless legs syndrome. The liver can contribute to the low bile production that impacts the body’s ability to digest foods properly. The liver can easily grow overheated because it is so overburdened with viruses, poisons, pesticides, herbicides, DDT, adrenaline and more. The liver has to take on every toxin you are exposed to and attempt to deal with it. You might even have a virus like Epstein-Barr in the liver causing scar tissue. Medical science and research are sadly unaware of this truth. Fortunately, this particular issue can be addressed. Check out my radio show on Epstein-Barr and my book Thyroid Healing, which goes into great detail on information about the Epstein-Barr virus that’s undiscovered by research and science, to find out how you can recover your health. And check out my book Liver Rescue to understand how your liver is affected and the steps to take to bring yourself healing.

The liver can grow sluggish, stagnant, and unresponsive, but this organ can also grow over-responsive and can begin to squirm, wriggle, and spasm. Some people feel this activity, but others do not. People might not even realize restless legs are what are keeping them up; they might just wake up in the middle of the night and not know why. They may even mistakenly assume it’s because they need to go to the bathroom. Others know that their restless legs are the issue, but they do not realize that their overburdened, spasming livers are the cause. 

You can have so many things going on in the liver such as sluggishness or liver heat that might not be recognizable. They might not even show up on a blood test, CT scan, or MRI. A fatty liver can be detected, but a pre-fatty liver, which is currently undiagnosable, can cause restless legs as well. It is important to remember that an overburdened liver can be the hidden culprit behind restless legs syndrome and it is important to care for this vital organ by removing the Foods Not To Eat listed in Medical Medium and you can also consider doing an extended version of my 28 Day Cleanse in the same book. 

Heavy Metal Deposits

As shown through the story of my first restless legs syndrome case, this condition can also be caused by heavy metals that interrupt the neural pathways in the brain. But what I did not mention earlier is that this condition can also come from MSG deposits in the brain as well. If you think your particular restless legs syndrome is related to heavy metals, working to clear them out of your system is critical. Check out the heavy metal detox on my blog or in my first book, Medical Medium

Multiple Factors

Restless legs do not usually arise from just one thing. There are multiple factors and sometimes cases involve a number of them at once. You can actually be experiencing all of the factors mentioned above at the same time. 

In some unique cases it may be more straightforward. The restless legs may be related to a frozen SI joint, spinal issue, or an abundance of calcifications throughout the body, which may make falling asleep more challenging than usual. But in many cases there are multiple contributing factors that cause sleeping or even napping to become an unimaginable challenge. 

Sadly, the lack of information surrounding this condition forces doctors to have very few beneficial solutions to offer their patients. Some doctors offer their patients medication. And in some instances, certain medications can temporarily help lessen the suffering for a person which can allow them to heal in other ways. Although medication can be beneficial in certain circumstances, it’s helpful to be cautious with it. Try to be your own advocate and get the best information available to help you heal. 

Supportive Foods & Supplements 

The supplements and foods that are right for each individual will depend largely on what factors are contributing to their restless legs. In the case of heavy metal deposits, cilantro and the heavy metal detox smoothie are incredibly important to begin removing these metals from the body. This smoothie isn’t just for detoxing heavy metals though, these ingredients, which include wild blueberries, cilantro, dulse, spirulina, and barley grass juice powder offer support to the body in countless ways. You can find out more about how to make the heavy metal smoothie here and read about the physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits of these particular foods in my second book, Life-Changing Foods

Incorporating a plethora of fruits and vegetables into your diet can be a fantastic way to begin combating restless legs syndrome. Potatoes are a miracle food for restless legs. Try and eat steamed potatoes. They have powerful anti-viral properties and are wonderfully healing. You can read about the potato’s miraculous qualities in my book, Life-Changing Foods. They have enough lysine to kill off viruses residing in the liver that may be contributing to someone’s restless legs syndrome. Do not let biased, agenda-driven misinformation about potatoes dissuade you from bringing this healing food into your diet. 

If your restless legs syndrome stems from a heavy metal issue, eating mango before bed can help with calming the electrical impulses in the brain. Celery juice is also a powerful aid for restless legs syndrome and can benefit the body in multiple ways. Celery juice was particularly helpful for the woman whose healing story I shared at the beginning of this blog post. Wild blueberries, found in the heavy metal detox smoothie, can positively benefit a restless legs syndrome case regardless of the cause. These powerful berries help combat the shingles virus, aid in reducing inflammation, offer tremendous support for the liver, and can help remove MSG as well. If you think your restless legs syndrome is related to MSG deposits in the brain, L-glutamine can be another important addition to consider. 

GABA can help mitigate symptoms, as well as melatonin. It may be best to start with a small dose of melatonin, but know that some people can benefit from working up to a larger dose. Bacopa can help support neurological issues contributing to people’s restless legs syndrome. Licorice root can be incredibly supportive for helping to ease and calm down the liver. B-12 with methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin and chaga mushroom extract powder are two other very supportive options. 

If you feel that shingles is a contributing factor, be sure to read the “Shingles” chapter in Medical Medium and review the supplements and foods mentioned there. If you’re looking for high-quality supplement recommendations, check out the Medical Medium supplements page

It’s incredibly important to stay hydrated to help flush and cleanse the liver. Drinking lemon water daily is a fantastic addition for anyone working to heal restless legs syndrome. You can also find out more about chronic dehydration on the blog.

Present Moment Walking

There are some great things you can do to begin recovering your peace of mind. One of the easiest ways to help with restless legs is to take walks. If you are able to walk, definitely set aside some time to do so. If you have sciatic issues, you might not want to, but just attempt to do what you can. Even a very gentle walk outside or around your house can be beneficial. If you’re able to, walk frequently, quiet your mind as much as possible and observe the sights, sounds, and smells around you. This present moment walking technique can be incredibly powerful for alleviating restless legs and can be especially valuable for people whose restless legs syndrome stems from heavy metal issues. 

Moving Forward

There is hope for anyone suffering from restless legs syndrome. It is not something that you have to live with forever. As you begin to incorporate these suggestions, know that it is possible to be free from the exhaustion and discomfort you’re dealing with now. Make sure to incorporate hot compresses in the morning and cold compresses at night to help calm the nerves at the base of the spine. Begin working in these supportive foods and supplements as much as possible. Hold on to hope and know that you are not alone. There is a real cause behind the frustrating symptoms you’re experiencing and by moving forward armed with this knowledge you will be able to move forward with healing.

This item posted: 08-Feb-2018

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