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Video: Parasites: Myths & Truths

Parasites: Myths & Truths

Parasites: Myths & Truths

Have you been diagnosed with a parasite? If so, you are one of the many people who have encountered the rapidly growing trend of blaming long-standing health problems on parasites. In this article I begin to break apart these inaccurate, yet deep-rooted ideas that are quickly spreading and negatively impacting those who receive this misdiagnosis.

The parasite diagnosis is a trend that is quickly overtaking other trends that have been around for decades, such as the Candida diagnosis. To learn the truth about Candida, check out my radio show or read the chapter on Candida in my first book, Medical Medium. Instead of attributing patients’ health issues to Candida, many well-meaning doctors and health are beginning to shift the blame to parasites. Both of these diagnoses are usually incorrect and can keep you from learning the truth about how to fully recover your health. 

The Wrong Diagnosis 

Medical communities are still not aware of what is causing people to suffer from conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and SIBO. This lack of understanding often leads to incorrect diagnoses, like parasites, which are one of the current scapegoats for health issues such as these. When a person is handed this diagnosis, usually parasites are not actually the issue and something else in her or his body is triggering symptoms and conditions. Becoming infected with a parasite is vastly different to dealing with some some bloating, gastritis, constipation, tummy aches, stitches, and fatigue. 

The medical world has not reached a point yet where professionals can swiftly and accurately determine what is going on for someone internally. For example, the amount of byproduct the Epstein-Barr virus can expel in the liver and intestinal tract can lead a practitioner to believe that his or her patient is suffering from a parasitic infection. The problem with this diagnosis is that the person does not have a parasitic infection and is actually battling Epstein-Barr, a virus that can easily expel an abundance of byproduct and viral casings that get misdiagnosed as parasites because they’ve not yet been accurately identified. In my third book, Thyroid Healing, I go into great detail about the different mutated strains of Epstein-Barr that are able to adapt in order to enter various organs. During this process, certain strains of this virus can actually change their casings, and medical professionals may misidentify these viral casings as bacteria or a type of parasite.

Various types of bugs can show up in a person’s stool sample. Imagine mashing up a handful of insects and then trying to identify the different creepy-crawlers from the crushed pieces. It would be nearly impossible to tell which insects you were looking at from merely observing the smashed up bits. In a similar way, accurately identifying parasites in a stool sample is nearly impossible.

Rather than blaming parasitic activity for a patient’s chronic fatigue, aches and pains, or gut issues, the blame should be directed at the actual unproductive microorganisms that are creating these problems. If the symptoms and conditions you are battling have led you to be diagnosed with a parasitic infection, there is a high likelihood you have been misdiagnosed and are actually suffering from a low-grade bacterial or viral infection. If your particular troubles include gut issues and inflammation, it is likely that a bacterial infection is the culprit. Depending on your unique symptoms and conditions, a viral infection could be responsible as well. You may unknowingly have scar tissue and injuries in your intestinal tract and colon from old pockets of E. coli or streptococcus, or old viral deposits. Whether it be in your liver, spleen, pancreas, small intestine, or stomach lining, an abundance of scar tissue can trigger various issues. The health troubles you are fighting can be exacerbated by numerous variables including low hydrochloric acid, a sluggish liver, and food sensitivities. Fortunately, some of the healing steps health practitioners may have given you for a misdiagnosed parasitic infection, such as using herbs, may still have been helping you begin to heal the true cause of your health issues to some degree. 

Dealing with A True Parasite 

If you’ve been diagnosed with a parasitic infection in the past and are still alive today trying to manage the symptoms and conditions related to this supposed parasitic infection, there is a very likely chance that you were never actually dealing with a parasite. It is possible to become infected from an actual parasite, but when someone is suffering with a genuine parasite, either the person is able to knock the parasite out of her or his system, or the parasite can potentially end up killing the person. Bottom line, either you win or the parasite wins. There really isn’t an in between.

For example, a person can become infected with a parasite from eating raw pork. In this instance the person may end up in an intensive care unit with an incredibly high fever or in critical ailing pain feeling fearful for their life. Sadly, if their body is unable to eliminate the parasite, it could become devastating and life-threatening. The one certainty in this situation is that the parasite contracted from the pork will not be able to simply live in the person’s system for an extended period of time. The potentially fatal health consequences that can arise from undercooked pork is one reason to avoid this type of meat. 

If you’re eating raw or undercooked meat or chicken, you are putting yourself at risk for contracting the Toxoplasma gondii parasite. This parasite is so toxic it can give rise to hallucinations. Raw or undercooked meat may contain this parasite, but it can also be found on raw salads and raw vegetables prepared at restaurants that serve animal protein and animal products. Whether you are a meat eater, vegetarian, or vegan, avoiding raw salad and raw vegetables in restaurants that are not plant-based is a smart choice. Sticking with cooked food selections is a much safer option.

You could contract a dangerous parasite from drinking contaminated water in Mexico or from simply dining at a random bar and grill near your home. I’ve also known people who have almost died from eating street food in the Dominican Republic. So whether you are traveling internationally or just headed to a barbeque with friends, staying mindful of your food and drink choices is crucial. Check out some particularly powerful ways to protect yourself from food poisoning in my blog post and radio show on this topic. 

Malaria is another parasitic infection people can battle. Like all other parasites, someone cannot live with malaria in their system. A person is able to beat malaria, but if their body is unable to knock out the parasitic infection, the malaria can take their life. Amoebas and protozoan parasites are just the same. If your body cannot eliminate the parasite, the amoeba or protozoa can be life-threatening. You maybe wondering about Babesia, but is important to understand that this hybrid is mislabeled. It’s not entirely a parasite. In truth, three-quarters of this harmless hybrid is bacterial in nature. 

Medical research still does not fully understand the various microorganisms that linger on foods such as contaminated meat and chicken and in places such as swamps and still water. It’s a life or death situation when you’re dealing with a real parasitic infection. The truth is that if you aren’t able to beat these bugs, they can potentially beat you. If you have a parasitic infection you may experience violent vomiting or nonstop diarrhea. I’ve spoken with doctors and nurses who dread situations where people come into the hospital experiencing stomach problems related to a true parasitic infection. Often, professionals have to put the patient in a medically induced coma and hope that the patient is able to fight off the parasite over time. 

In certain cases, the body’s reaction is slightly more moderate than a usual instance involving parasites. If your body is able to quickly kill the parasite you may only endure a very brief stint of vomiting or diarrhea. In some instances, a person may feel ill for a few weeks while their body works to fight off the parasite. If this happens, the parasite might stir up less acute symptoms for slightly longer than a typical parasitical infection. But in the end, the parasite is killed. A true parasite can’t stay in the body long term.

Our bodies are amazing and they can beat a parasitical infection, and most of the time they do— there’s just a small percentage who are unable to beat them. If you ever have to endure contamination from a parasite try your best to keep a light heart through the agony and pain. Fiercely believe in your heart and soul that you will win because you definitely can! If you’re dealing with chronic health issues for an extended period of time, there is a significant chance those issues do not stem from parasites whatsoever. Likely something else is giving rise to these problems. 

The Bugs in Your Body 

It is important to understand that we all have an abundant variety of bugs in our bodies— some good bugs, some harmful bugs, and some that are neutral. Beneficial microorganisms contribute to your health and healing in a number of supportive ways. The neutral bacteria and other microorganisms in your system do not bolster your wellbeing, but they do not detract from your health either. Neutral bugs or even annoying, bothersome bugs that reside in you can actually push harmful parasites out of your system. Viruses like Epstein-Barr do not like when other invaders, such as parasites, are in the body, and these pathogens will actually help rid the body of other unwanted invaders. This is the reason that many people who suffer from autoimmune issues brought about by Epstein-Barr do not catch many colds or flus. If an invader gets into the system, Epstein-Barr will work to knock it out. You can learn more about Epstein-Barr virus and how it may be affecting you and your loved ones in my book Thyroid Healing.

There are some pathogens that may not provide you with any physical assistance, but contributes to your spiritual growth. When you go through an enormous trial that pushes you to your limits, like battling a chronic illness, and you finally learn the truth and are able to overcome and rise above whatever you were up against, you may experience radical transformation on a soul and spirit level. You may not realize this at the time, but the bacteria or virus you were battling and the trying circumstances it created actually helped bring about this soul transformation. In these instances, although the bacteria, virus, or other pathogen has caused you immense pain and suffering, it has also taught you something life-changing. By giving rise to this lesson, these bacteria, viruses, and similar pathogens distinguish themselves from true parasites that will ruthlessly take from you without giving you anything in return.

You maybe surprised to learn that Epstein-Barr was once an incredibly friendly virus that actually worked for you and not against you. I discuss Epstein-Barr indepth in my third book, Thyroid Healing. Sadly, agendas that drive conventional medicine and certain other industries have caused Epstein-Barr to become the troublesome virus we know today. However, as I mentioned earlier, Epstein-Barr and other viruses and bacteria can still give your body something, such as spiritual or emotional growth, that a real parasite cannot give you. 


Alongside bugs, you may also have a number of worms in your system that do not affect your ability to live your life and do not give rise to noticeable symptoms or conditions. A few types of worms fall into the parasite category because they can grow quite large, work quickly, and can cause great harm if you do not remove them from your system. However, most worms are a different type of bug that should not be lumped into the same group with parasites. 

You maybe wondering about parasites that are protozoa-based and amoeba-based, but these types of parasites are not related to worms either. Unlike parasites, which can actually defeat their hosts, worms often live in humans without causing too many noticeable issues. It is not ideal to have worms in your body, but for the most part they do not cause nearly the destruction that true parasites can inflict. Although there are some rather harmful worms, most worms are almost neutral in their effect. Worms can actually help eat and eliminate unproductive garbage in the body from unhealthy foods and toxic debris, and the poison they release afterwards is neither highly neurotoxic nor dermatoxic. However, worms can strip your body of beneficial things as well. The majority of worms dwell in the organs and act in a slightly hostile manner. Fortunately, there are ways you can begin to draw worms out and clear them from your system.

If you’re working to eliminate worms, eating a diet that contains a larger amount of greens and green juices as well as a bit of fruit is an incredible way to start ridding your body of worms and worm eggs. If you are able to maintain a clean diet for an extended period of time, you will begin to draw worms out of your system. You may even notice worms turn up in the toilet over time as you continue to give your body what it needs to eliminate them. 

Garlic and onion are two foods that can be helpful to get rid of worms. Garlic especially, can be a fantastic weapon against worms. Alongside clean food choices with a significant focus on fruits, veggies and leafy greens, certain supplements can help with the removal of worms. You may want to try including an ample amount of olive leaf in your protocol for a period of time. Goldenseal can also be beneficial when taken every two weeks with a two week break in-between. If you’ve been told by a doctor or practitioner that you have a long-term parasitic infection, implementing this goldenseal routine will likely be helpful for you as well. It will help to lower the bacterial and viral load that is actually causing your symptoms because as you now know, you can’t have a long term true parasitic infection. There is something else behind your symptoms when it’s chronic.

Parasite Cleanses 

If you have been told you are experiencing a long-term parasitic infection, your practitioner may have suggested doing a parasite cleanse. If you have done one of these natural cleanses you may have even noticed some benefits. The reason for this is that when you attempt to address parasites through natural measures, you may have been unintentionally going after the true cause of your issues without realizing it. Natural cleanses advertised to help fight parasites can often begin to help knock down bacterial or viral loads in the body, which is why you might have experienced some improvement. 

Although some of the herbs in these cleanses can provide support, figuring out the unique pathogen you are up against and choosing the best foods, supplements, and herbs to combat your specific illness can allow proper healing. This post, as well as the other Medical Medium blog posts, radio shows, and books can help you figure out what you are truly up against and what steps you can take to begin moving forward. 

Steps to Take 

If you have been told you are dealing with a long-term parasitic infection, instead of immediately diving into a parasitic cleanse, I would first recommend eliminating any foods from your diet that could feed harmful bacteria and viruses in your body. As you now know, the reason to focus on eliminating bacteria and viruses rather than parasites is because most people diagnosed with a parasitic infection are actually battling a type of bacteria, or in some cases, a virus.

Ridding your diet of foods that can feed pathogens is a wonderfully beneficial action you can take. Try to eliminate eggs, dairy products such as milk, cheese, butter, and yogurt, as well as gluten and canola oil. If your diet includes animal protein or animal products, try to reduce the amount you consume while you work to heal your symptoms and conditions. If you’re an avid meat eater, reduce your intake of meat or chicken to once a day. This dietary change will allow you to incorporate a greater number of healing foods that can help kill off the bacteria in your system over time. If you eat a plant-based diet, being mindful of incorporating truly healing foods like fresh fruits, leafy greens, and vegetables is equally important. Certain vegan products like soy based products, most grains, processed cookies, cakes and other junk foods and more do not feed beneficial bacteria, and replacing some of these food items with foods that do can be a critical step. 

Supportive Foods

What people assume are parasite issues can often be bacteria-related, making it important to prioritize the health of your intestinal tract. Taking steps to feed the beneficial bugs in this part of your digestive system is crucial. Certain foods can help you accomplish this. Try incorporating dandelion greens and arugula, two powerful leafy greens. Cilantro and parsley are some other fantastic additions. Using a food processor to breakdown greens and bring more into your meals is a fantastic practice.

Juicing fennel bulbs, which are rich in vitamin C, can create a wonderfully healing drink. For another fantastic juice, run fennel bulbs, celery, and cucumber through the juicer. Drinking straight celery juice can be a game changer for your health. Raising hydrochloric acid levels, one of the celery juice’s many benefits, can support your body’s efforts to kill off bacteria. With adequate levels of hydrochloric acid in your body, you have a much better chance of killing off harmful invaders, including parasites. A second juice following your celery juice can be fantastic as well. You may want to include a mix of ingredients in this one. Some great vegetables to juice include kale, parsley, cilantro, and fennel. Aloe vera can be a powerful weapon for a number of issues. Check out instructions for making a soothing aloe water on my blog. If you’re struggling with gut issues or even genuine parasite issues, regularly drinking coconut water can make an amazing difference. Lemon water and lime water are two other anti-parasitic drink options. 

Bringing in the top foods for detoxing heavy metals on a daily basis can be another highly supportive practice. By implementing the heavy metal detox, you can begin to draw out toxic metals such as mercury, aluminum, lead, and arsenic. You may feel like your parasitic issue is beginning to resolve, but what’s really happening is that a significant food source for the bacteria in your system is no longer available. 

Supportive Supplements & Teas 

If you have been told you have a long-term parasitic infection by a doctor or practitioner, and you aren’t willing to consider that this may not be an accurate diagnosis, I would still suggest bringing in an abundance of the healing foods mentioned above and discussing with your doctor some of the supplements and teas below that might support your situation. 

Oregano oil is fantastic for any kind of gut issue that stems from a bacterial infection. Lemon balm, olive leaf, and pau d’arco are three other great supplements to consider including in your protocol if you’re suffering from an issue that your doctor considers parasite-related. If you’re having issues in your gut or bloodstream, eyebright is a wonderful herb to include. Thyme tea and elderflower tea are excellent additions as well. Regularly sipping elderflower tea can help feed good bacteria in your gut— a protective measure to help you fend against any harmful parasites you may encounter. 

Cat’s claw can help with a multitude of pathogenic issues. This supplement can help knock down varieties of Epstein-Barr, HHV-6, shingles, and other viruses that fall within the herpes family. Cat’s claw can also help battle bacteria such as E. Coli and streptococcus as well as C. difficile. 

Doctors presently attempting to treat Lyme disease are beginning to avoid using antibiotics as a treatment option after watching forefathers in the world of Lyme disease inundate patients with antibiotics with little to no success. Gradually, the doses have been lowered and the time frame in which they are given has been extended. Presently, many doctors working with patients who have been diagnosed with Lyme avoid antibiotics altogether and opt for a more natural protocol that includes cat’s claw and intravenous vitamin therapy. Many have come to the realization that a more natural approach to healing which includes these and other supplements can actually move people towards recovery. You can learn more about healing from Lyme disease in my books, Thyroid Healing and Medical Medium.

Moving Forward 

It is vitally important people begin to learn how parasites truly operate in the body and what a parasite diagnosis might actually mean. I am not a proponent of misinformation or guessing games when it comes to a person’s health. I am hoping that this knowledge will help you to let go of misdiagnoses, avoid treatments that are not beneficial, and move forward with information that can support your genuine healing. May this information inspire you to start looking past the health trends that arise and take hold of the truth. 

(Note: Some visitors may search for the spelling "catsclaw" or "cats claw" when searching for "Cat's Claw". These are local or regional variations on this beneficial herb.)

This item posted: 17-Aug-2017

The information provided on this Site is for general informational purposes only, to include blog postings and any linked material. The information is not intended to be a substitute for professional health or medical advice or treatment, nor should it be relied upon for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any health consideration. Consult with a licensed health care practitioner before altering or discontinuing any medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program. Neither Anthony William nor Anthony William, Inc. (AWI) is a licensed medical doctor or other formally licensed health care practitioner or provider. The content of this blog and any linked material does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Anthony William, AWI or the principal author, and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up to date.

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