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Video: Liver's Immune System

Liver's Immune System

Liver's Immune System

The liver is such a complex and heroic organ, and it has an amazing feature—its very own personalized immune system—which helps fend off illness and protect your health. The liver actually has six unique immune functions with six different kinds of immune cells. 

It’s unbelievable how much we rely on our livers and how much the health of our liver influences whether we experience a chronic illness or symptom. Millions of people in the U.S. alone are chronically sick, they’re not functioning, and our medical communities don’t know enough yet about how to help. 

Chronic illness is a global burden that’s getting worse every year because the truth about what’s really causing these sicknesses and illnesses is not known or understood in conventional or alternative medical communities. For instance, science and research don’t yet know how the liver is involved in chronic conditions, or that this organ has a powerful and intricate immune system. Sadly, people are left without answers, and worse, without hope for healing. 

I am here to tell you that answers are now here for you. Healing is possible when you know the true causes of your chronic illnesses and symptoms and are given the steps to heal these root causes. In my book, Liver Rescue, I share these answers and more. In this article, I will give an overview on the liver’s undiscovered immune system, but I recommend picking up a copy of Liver Rescue for an in-depth understanding on this topic and much more, and how it can help you heal. 

First, I want to explain why I have so much respect for the liver. This organ works incredibly hard to filter out bugs—viruses and bacteria—as well as toxic heavy metals, harmful chemicals, pesticides and herbicides. The liver’s immune system is on guard against anything harmful. It also helps process and handle the things we consume, such as fat, protein, pharmaceuticals and alcohol. Too much of any of these substances can weigh the liver down.

Why We Get Sick in the First Place

To begin with, it helps to know that the main reason people get sick with chronic illness is because of pathogens—viruses and bacteria—as well as toxic heavy metals and chemicals. We live in toxic times. And science and research doesn’t know this yet, but different strains of Epstein-Barr, streptococcus, shingles, and other viruses and bacteria are at the root of most chronic health conditions, mystery symptoms and autoimmune diseases. (The autoimmune theory, which is that our own immune system is attacking our own organs, is incorrect, by the way. It’s important to know this: your body never attacks itself. Learn more about what’s really going on in my book Liver Rescue). 

In addition to the pathogens, your liver also has to deal with toxic heavy metals, including mercury, lead, copper, and aluminum, which are another factor that contributes to illness. Viruses, bacteria and heavy metals can be passed down the family line, which means a parent or grandparent’s exposure can still be inside the body of a young child today and be affecting them now or even later on down the road in their life. It’s important to note that this is different to genetics. I explain how these toxins are inherited, not genetic, in Liver Rescue.

Now, our immune system isn’t just there to prevent a flu or to fight cancer—it’s got a huge job dealing with a wide range of undiscovered viruses that plague our planet. When you take a bite off your friend’s plate at dinner or share a kiss with a loved one or use the toilet at the gas station, you can easily pick up a new strain. 

And the truth is, viruses are the main cause of our chronic health issues. These invaders wage attacks deep in our bodies, far beneath the surface in our organs and glands. And these viruses are sneaky—sometimes they don’t make a lot of noise. They’re extremely patient, but eventually they strike out.

Then people start to have strange symptoms or they may get a diagnosis of anything and everything under the sun: rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, shingles, lyme disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and many more. Or they may experience symptoms like migraines, tremors, aches and pains, ringing in the ears, floaters in the eyes, weak limbs, fatigue, hot flashes, loss of focus or concentration, loss of libido, hair loss, weight gain, and so on. Viruses can cause all of these. They aren’t autoimmune conditions and they aren’t genetic. Nor are they conditions or symptoms you have manifested. Nor do you have to just deal with them for the rest of your life. Not when you know their true causes and how to heal, which I share in my books.

Any of these things can bog the liver down: pathogens, toxic heavy metals, chemical poisons, high-fat diets, high-protein diets (whether plant based or animal based), pharmaceuticals and alcohol. In truth, there are hundreds of what I call “Liver Troublemakers,” which I list in Liver Rescue. It’s critical you become aware of what they are so you can do your best to minimize or avoid them or take the steps to support your liver better for those you can’t avoid. After years and decades of being bombarded, the liver can start to break down and lose its ability to function well and protect you.

But the miraculous thing is, you can make changes that will reverse the course. You can change direction and support the liver’s immune system and the liver itself. These are fundamental steps toward health and true healing. Remember: you need your liver, and your livers need you.

The Liver’s Six Immune Functions 

It will be decades before science and research unearths the subtle but important differences among the liver’s six different functions. So far, only one of these has been observed, or flagged, by modern medicine and there’s still much not understood about how this one known function actually works. There just isn’t enough of a focus on the role of the liver. Most researchers are distracted focusing on the wrong things, like genetics or the autoimmune theory, neither of which will bring answers to chronic illness because the theories are inaccurate.

These six immune functions work together to keep the liver, and our bodies, as healthy as possible:

Hepatic vessel white blood cells: The hepatic portal vein is the main highway for viruses and bacteria to reach the liver. These cells guard the blood vessels that lead to the portal vein.

Hepatic portal vein white blood cells: These white blood cells monitor the portal vein itself. As blood flows through there are helpful nutrients and there are harmful troublemakers. These white blood cells work to stop the troublemakers—the viruses, bacteria, pesticides and more—from reaching their destination of the liver. The more toxins that are coming in though, the harder it is for these white blood cells to keep up. 

It’s important to note that the contents of the blood running through this vein came from the digestive tract. That means it’s carrying nutrients too. If people are eating high-fat diets or keto diets (whether it’s a plant-based or animal-based diet) all that fat and high protein has to get processed, which burdens the liver and prevents it from spending more energy on taking out pathogens and toxins.

Hepatic artery white blood cells: These immune cells are situated at the circulatory entrance to the liver, so they’re working with the blood that’s coming from the heart. They’re made to survive that fast-moving, high oxygen blood—they’re aggressive swimmers!

And actually, all of these immune cells are incredible swimmers, they’re just designed to survive and thrive in different environments based on which part of the liver and body they’re protecting. 

The hepatic artery white blood cells have a special shape that allows them to hover in an area of rushing blood to catch oncoming pathogens. But when pathogens get through despite it all, they find themselves up against the liver’s next defense—a set of three more immune functions:

Lobule white immune cells: These cells protect parts of the inside of the liver. They border the capillaries and other blood cells where they look out for invaders, like Epstein-Barr (which by the way is the virus responsible for Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E, and many “autoimmune” conditions—this is yet to be discovered by science and research). These lobule white blood cells have a license to kill, and they work hard to do just that when a pathogen has gotten through. 

These aggressive immune cells have a hard job, and they’re unable to see clearly when our bodies are overrun with other junk, like old pesticides, chemical poisons and metals. That’s why keeping your liver clean is so critical in protecting you from every sickness, symptom and disease—and helping you to recover from any you might already have or are already developing unknowingly.

Bile duct white blood cells: Bile production is one of the top functions of your liver, and these immune cells are assigned to watch over the bile duct system. They’re the only part of the immune system that can withstand bile’s harsh nature. This has not been discovered by research and science yet, but the cells have protective covers that can handle the bile. 

The immune cells look for passersby in the bile that could cause infection of the liver, gallbladder, duodenum and GI tract. This white blood cell can even travel upward and into the stomach. It will follow a pathogen as far as it can go, burning up its protective sheath along the path, but following through nonetheless--it’s willing to die to help you! 

Liver lymphocytes: These immune cells monitor the outer region of the liver. They tend to stay on the outside, like a watchtower, trying to stop the viruses from getting into lymphatic vessels.

What do all of these immune cells have in common? One, that they are trying with all their might to protect you and keep you alive and healthy. Two, none of them have been discovered by medical science and research yet, which means how the liver works is not yet understood. And three, the more pathogens, toxins, heavy metals, chemicals, pollutants, and fat you are exposed to or consume, the harder it is for them to do their job. 

Over time, your liver becomes more and more burdened, toxic, sluggish and stagnant as more and more of these Liver Troublemakers find their way into your liver, take up residence and continue to cause harm. That’s why it’s absolutely critical to find out more about how your liver works and how you can support it with the proper care and steps, which I share in detail in Liver Rescue. It’s your complete guide to understand and healing your liver and overall health. It contains the secrets for anti-aging, weight management, healing and disease prevention. 

Supporting Your Liver’s Immune System

I’ve just scratched the surface of the liver and its incredibly sophisticated immune system. Here are a few quick starter tips for healing this critical organ. For a proper understanding of how to care for your hardworking liver, including healing foods and herbs, suggested supplement dosages for different illnesses and symptoms, and my Liver 3:6:9 Cleanse, please refer to Liver Rescue.

*  Avoid too much fat and protein whether you’re vegan or eat animal products. It’s OK to have some healthy fats and healthy protein, but high-fat, high-protein and keto diets are very hard on your liver. These diets bog the liver down and make it hard for your liver to protect you from the toxins and pathogens that make you sick. 

In Liver Rescue, I share exactly how your body responds to certain amounts of fat that you consume and why its problematic at certain levels. I also share alternative food options that will support your liver’s health. 

*  Stay hydrated with lemon or lime water, coconut water, cucumber juice, and fresh fruit and vegetable juices as well as fresh fruit and fresh lettuce and greens so your liver and it’s immune system can function well.

*  Drink 16 ounces of pure celery juice every morning on an empty stomach.

*  Try the Liver 3:6:9 Cleanse in Liver Rescue. This cleanse is designed to work perfectly with the liver and its unique needs. It’s an easy and simple cleanse that can yield powerful results. Also, learn and apply the rest of the healing information I share in Liver Rescue so you can the best friend to your liver it’s been waiting for you to be.

It breaks my heart to see how many people are suffering with health problems that stem from the liver, especially when people are guided down paths of misinformation and even further away from healing. I know so many of you are working on healing with the truths I share. And others are still on the search for the truth. Please hang in there, and saturate yourself with the information I share in Liver Rescue. Know that I care about you, and I want to help you get better. Take this journey one day at a time. Do it for you, and do it for your loved ones. You deserve to heal.

This item posted: 20-Oct-2018

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