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Video: Liver Rescue Applesauce

Liver Rescue Applesauce

Liver Rescue Applesauce

Don’t be fooled by this recipe’s simplicity—applesauce is one of the most profoundly rejuvenating, revitalizing foods for your liver cells. It truly is a liver rescuer, which is why it's a star recipe from my book, Liver Rescue. Plus it’s sweet and delicious and easy to whip up anytime.

In Liver Rescue, I share how each of these ingredients can support you and your loved ones in healing. Let’s take a look…

APPLES: Provide living water to support the liver’s hydration capabilities, so it can store the water and then release it back into the bloodstream when dehydration or dirty blood syndrome occurs. The fruit acids in apples help cleanse the liver by dispersing toxic films that build up inside its storage banks. Apples starve out bacteria, yeast, mold, other funguses, and viruses from the intestinal tract and liver. Great for dissolving gallstones.

DATES: The intestinal tract builds up mucus due to low hydrochloric acid and bile production, and that can slow down absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream. Dates expel and eliminate mucus, especially that produced by pathogens such as bacteria and fungus, from the colon. The sugars in dates feed the liver; they’re a great source of glucose for recovery and restoration that allows the liver to maximize its over 2,000 chemical functions.

CELERY: Its undiscovered subgroups of sodium that I call cluster salts protect the liver’s cell membranes and inhibit the growth of viruses, bacteria, and fungus. Celery restores the liver’s bile production capability as well as the potency and complicated structure of the bile, which in most people is completely imbalanced. Its cluster salts bind onto freefloating poisons and toxins inside the liver and flush them into the bloodstream, remaining bonded so that the troublemakers leave the kidneys or intestinal tract safely. Celery purges the liver while bringing down liver heat to a safe level. It’s the ultimate gallbladder rehabilitator, helping to dissolve gallstones over time, making them small enough either not to cause harm or to be able to pass through the bile duct. Celery’s sodium also expands the bile duct so it’s not restricted, in case a large stone does breach.

Liver Rescue Applesauce


  • 1 to 2 red apples, diced
  • 1 to 4 Medjool dates, pitted (optional)
  • 1 stalk celery, chopped (optional)
  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon (optional)


Blend the diced red apple and other desired ingredients in a blender or food processor until a smooth, even applesauce forms. Serve and enjoy immediately or squeeze some fresh lemon juice over the top and seal tightly if you’d like to save it for later.

Makes 1 serving

Find out more undiscovered properties of healing foods and how they support the liver, check out my bestselling book, Liver Rescue

This item posted: 13-Sep-2018

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