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Video: Liver Myths Debunked

Liver Myths Debunked

Liver Myths Debunked

If you’ve ever researched different ways to heal symptoms or illnesses, tried various diets or health programs, looked for ways to lose weight or detox, or sought guidance from one or more health practitioners, you will know that there’s a seemingly endless supply of information and health trends out there. Not only is this wealth of information confusing to wade through, unfortunately most of it is also misguided and incorrect. And when you believe and apply information that isn’t true to how the body really works because so much of how the body functions is still undiscovered by science and research, it can be harmful to you and your loved ones and lead you further away from the truth. 

When it comes to the liver information and trends out there, this is exactly what’s happening for so many. You might hear about a liver cleanse, liver flush, certain supplement or foods, a health or diet program, or theoretical information that presents itself as a fact, and believe it to be true because a well-meaning health practitioner suggested it or because it’s trendy and popular . Sadly, so much of the information and recommendations that are trendy today are actually detrimental to your health. I devoted two chapters of my new book, Liver Rescue: Answers to Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloating, Gallstones, Adrenal Stress, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Weight Issues, SIBO & Autoimmune Disease, to debunking common liver myths for this reason. It’s critical that you know the truth about what’s helpful and what’s harmful to your health and understand the liver’s real responsibilities and how it needs to be supported so you can make the best decisions for you and your loved ones. Below I will cover a few common liver myths. In Liver Rescue, I debunk these myths in much more detail, along with many others that are vital to understand for the sake of your health now and in the future. 

Complete Cell Regeneration Every Seven Years

There’s a lot of different theories about how long it takes for all the cells of the body to regenerate. One common belief is that it takes seven years for the entire body to renew. This isn’t true. Many factors play a role in cell regeneration: nutrients, stress, pathogens, deficiencies, inherited and newly encountered toxins such as heavy metals, the environmental challenges someone’s living with, even the emotional environmental challenges someone’s living with and the resources available to that person. They can all influence the speed with which cells rejuvenate and it means that the exact timing of how many years it takes for cells to replace themselves can’t be ascertained by medical research and science, because there is no set timeline and it’s different for everyone. 

The liver, however, is different. First of all, not all the cells of the liver can regenerate. Some severely damaged and scarred tissue in the liver generally can’t be renewed. At the same time, the liver has the ability to renew the parts of the liver that are in working order more profoundly than any other part of the body can. The liver is incredibly responsible and steady—it is the rock of the body. It ever so responsibly renews the working parts of the liver on a specific schedule that I share in Liver Rescue in order to sustain life. Medical science and research have no understanding or awareness that the liver operates on this specific time clock. I also share in Liver Rescue how the liver uses intelligence it holds from thousands of years ago (yes, you read that right - even if you’re only 20 or 40 years old this is still true) and how you can help your liver maximize its incredible renewal timing and functions so you can grow older with greater health.

Liver Flushes

Liver flushes (and liver and gallbladder flushes) can seem like a smart idea. It sounds like flushing the liver would be helpful, doesn’t it? But there’s two major problems with these flushes that make them a bad idea. Firstly, the liver doesn’t like to be pushed or forced. The liver is extremely intelligent and it knows how to perform its over 2000 undiscovered functions perfectly. All it needs from us is the right loving support—and that does not come with forcing it in the way our human minds might think is best. In Liver Rescue, I share these undiscovered functions of the liver and exactly how you can support your liver in the way it likes, deserves and needs. Our livers also have a longer memory than us. They know precisely the kinds and quantities of pathogens, toxins, toxic heavy metals, and harmful foods that we are up against, including those we were born into this world with from our family line (this is not our genetics but what we have inherited from previous generations at conception and in the womb.) 

While we may think it’s best to just get all the toxins out at once in a flush, the liver knows better. We might think following a seemingly well designed flush protocol will result in all the toxins ending up in the toilet. But the liver, with its infinite wisdom and understanding of what’s going on inside of your body that you can’t see or know, knows that‘s not how it works. In truth, when someone does a liver flush that pushes and forces the liver, the bloodstream is where those toxins end up. The liver knows, even though we’re not aware, that all these poisons entering the blood at once put the heart and brain under direct threat. An onslaught of toxic sludge and debris headed for our heart valves and ventricles is not what the liver wants for you. It could cause erratic heartbeats, stress on the heart, inflammation, elevated adrenaline, and electrical confusion of the heart, all while we’re busy looking for stones in the toilet. In Liver rescue, I also share the truth about what these “stones” really are. Fortunately, there’s a better and more effective way to cleanse the liver that actually supports and helps the liver. That’s what I share in Liver Rescue

Secondly, the flushes that are popular today also use ingredients that only make the liver work harder, like olive oil or apple cider vinegar. The high fat content of the olive oil is extremely hard on the liver and apple cider vinegar, while its the best vinegar available, is still hard on the liver also. In truth, vinegar can actually contribute to a sluggish and stagnant liver almost as much as alcohol. Surprised? I give a full explanation of why this is the case in Liver Rescue. There’s so much to know about the liver that science and research hasn’t yet discovered. There’s a reason Liver Rescue is my largest and most packed book yet. 

Liver Stones

There’s a very popular belief today that stones can form in the liver, like they do in the gallbladder. This is another misconception. It’s not possible for the liver to form its own stones. There are no cases of the hepatic ducts inside the liver getting clogged with stones—so-called “liver stones”—because the liver does not pass already formed stones through the ducts that lead bile to the gallbladder.The liver is too hot for stones to form. The liver’s heat is actually a mechanism that protects you from stones forming there, whether hard or soft. If stones did form within it, the liver wouldn’t be able to pass them through the bile. Instead they are formed in the gallbladder, which is much cooler. I describe the process by which this happens in detail in Liver Rescue and how to safely and effectively break them down, which is also currently unknown and misunderstood. 

If someone has done a liver flush before and seen “stones” in the toilet, it was really food and debris from the intestinal tract mixed with the oil from the concoctions that go with the cleanse. And if the cleanse that someone did was fat free, there will still be bits and pieces of food waste coming off the walls of the intestinal linings mixed with the large quantities of herbal mixtures someone usually ingested for the flush. These combine with mucus from the digestive tract and are expelled together so when you look into the toilet you think you saw liver stones when you didn’t. If you’ve done liver flushes before and seen what you believed to be liver stones in the toilet and felt better after them, there’s a reason for that too which I explain in Liver Rescue. Unfortunately, it doesn’t mean you helped your liver cleanse or heal. 

Thankfully, there are many ways you can support your liver that will help it renew and do its job much better. Your liver is desperate for you to help it in the right way. Liver Rescue is dedicated to showing you exactly how to support and love your liver. To finally give your liver the opportunity it’s been waiting for to safely and effectively do the deep clean it seriously needs. Your liver wants to protect you. To keep you alive, safe and well. And it needs your help more now than ever before to do so.

This item posted: 02-Nov-2018

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