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Video: Is Your Blood Toxic?

Is Your Blood Toxic?

Is Your Blood Toxic?

Most of us are unaware of the amount of toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis. From solvents and petrochemicals found in detergents to excess adrenaline our body has to deal with at times of stress and so many more, these toxins pollute our bloodstream. And then there’s the pathogens that all of us are carrying such as viruses like Epstein-Barr virus, shingles, herpes simplex, and HHV6, and bacteria like streptococcus, e. Coli, and more. And yet, medical science and research are still unable to tell us what is really going on in our blood. In fact, the results that a blood lab can give you are actually very limited. Trace amounts of toxic heavy metals and viral material go completely unnoticed. In truth, there are hundreds of what I call “Liver Troublemakers” that are harmful to us and can make the blood dirty and toxic. I list them for you in my book Medical Medium Liver Rescue: Answers to Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloating, Gallstones, Adrenal Stress, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Weight Issues, SIBO & Autoimmune Disease

The damage that these toxins do is significant and the symptoms that can manifest when the blood is toxic, which I call Dirty Blood Syndrome, can range dramatically. Some examples include dark circles under the eyes, varicose veins, Raynaud’s syndrome, gout, weight gain, and brain fog. Toxic blood also contributes to chronic fatigue, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, fibromyalgia, diabetes type 2, eczema, psoriasis, and acne. The list is exhaustive. But there is something we can do about toxic, dirty blood, and with the continued exposure to more and more toxins we face in our daily lives, it is important to take action and protect yourself and your loved ones. 

The Truth About Detoxes & Health Trends

There are a multitude of trends on the market today pushing this or that detox. One trend might tell you to take collagen. The other fish oil or apple cider vinegar. The truth is, none of these trends will cleanse your blood from the toxins you’re breathing in at the gas station or when you paint your house. They also won’t detoxify heavy metals, alkalize your body, strengthen your bile and HCl, or bring healing to your liver, gut or brain. Quite the opposite actually. When companies pull mercury out of fish oil, for example, the oil actually becomes hyperactive and the memory of mercury more potent. Apple cider vinegar, despite being your best vinegar option, activates the excess sodium stored in your liver, pickling the organ and putting it in under additional stress. At the end of the day, these specific “health” trends and supplements and many more that are currently popular do not bring you healing. Rather, they make your blood more toxic and dirty.

High-protein diets, regardless of whether they are plant or animal based diets, are more trendy than ever, adding to the problem. Excess protein severely affects your gut health causing food rot. Even if you’ve tried a high protein diet and lost weight or gained muscle, there’s more to understand about what’s actually happening in these situations and it’s not actually because of the protein content of your diet. I cover this in-depth in my book Liver Rescue. The result of this food rot is an overproduction of ammonia in your blood, which aggravates toxin levels. In addition, the bile your liver produces cannot do its job of breaking down the fats that are inherent in almost all high protein foods, keeping the hydrochloric acid in your stomach from breaking down proteins in the first place. Poisoned bile from toxins in the liver also causes gallstones. At this point, you may be noticing a theme—when we do not keep our livers clean, excess toxins travel into our bile and digestive system. If a virus like Epstein-Barr is also present, symptoms worsen, we get sicker, and we age more rapidly. Streptococcus in the gut is another example. When toxins in the blood feed strep bacteria, there will be an increase in symptoms like acne, SIBO, and UTIs, all of which are the result of a strep infection and a sluggish liver. If today’s trendy detoxes are not the answer, what can you do about these toxins in the blood? You can focus on cleansing and supporting your liver the right way, which I share in detail in Liver Rescue. Your liver is responsible for ridding the toxins from your body, along with over 2000 undiscovered chemical functions. It is the organ that is truly your savior and best friend. 

Chronic Dehydration

One of the reasons blood can become dirty and toxic is because of chronic dehydration. The majority of people today are walking around chronically dehydrated without even knowing it. We can be dehydrated for years or decades, which results in our blood being thick and slow moving instead of free flowing. Thick, dehydrated blood can’t carry toxins and pathogens and their waste byproduct out of the liver properly, and as a result, the toxins and waste end up building up. If someone has a buildup of toxins in the body and one or more low-grade viral or bacterial infections, or a lot of toxins of any variety, then also being chronically dehydrated can strain the body even more. Whether someone is chronically dehydrated or not can be the difference between feeling fine or dealing with symptoms like migraines, UTIs, rashes, dizziness, fatigue, aches and pains, heart palpitations, and more.

Liver & Blood Cleansing Foods

One of the best things you can do for your liver is drink straight celery juice on an empty stomach daily. Unlike apple cider vinegar, which activates bad sodium stored in your liver, celery juice breaks down the toxic salts that are stuck in your organs. Drinking 16 to 32 ounces of celery juice every morning will work wonders at cleaning up your liver and your blood. If you do not think you can stomach it and need additional inspiration, take a look through my Instagram feed to see babies and adults drinking celery juice daily and receiving the benefits. An easy morning routine that is also very cleansing is drinking 16 to 32 ounces of lemon water upon waking and then having 16oz or more of straight celery juice 20 minutes later if possible. Additionally, my Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie will remove the toxic heavy metals from plastics, pharmaceuticals and the countless other ways they enter us out of the blood. Most of us are born with these metals already in our bodies so it’s a very important healing tool for everyone today. You may also wish to bring in 16 ounces or more of pure cucumber juice daily to help your body be properly hydrated. As I shared above, chronic dehydration can be the straw that breaks the camel’s back when it comes to experiencing symptoms and conditions, so it’s important to drink plenty of lemon or lime water, celery juice, cucumber juice, and coconut water and eat plenty of fresh fruits, leafy greens, and vegetables which all contain water. 

What foods should you avoid? First on the list are eggs and dairy. I will continue to remind you of this one—eggs and dairy feed viruses. They’re also inherently high in fat and fat suspends toxins in the body, preventing them from leaving. When fat congests the liver it also tires out the heart. Eliminating these foods from your diet is a huge step toward a clean liver and blood. If you enjoy eating animal proteins, try limiting them to one serving a day because they are also inherently too high in fat to properly clean up the blood. Vegans or plant-based people should try to reduce their intake of nuts, seeds, and oils to help keep the blood moving freely and removing toxins. Consuming the healing foods above and cutting down on fat will not only keep your liver strong, but will also help control any weight problems you might have. In Liver Rescue, I explain how a sluggish liver and dirty, toxic blood is behind mystery weight gain and how to bring about true healing and turn it around. It’s not about your metabolism, eating too many carbs, or about aging as is commonly believed today. I also share exactly what to eat and what not to eat to help heal countless symptoms and conditions, all of which are affected by dirty blood syndrome.

Moving Forward

Ridding our bodies from toxins in the blood is about so much more than the occasional detox. It is about consistently eating and drinking healing foods that keep the liver clean and strong. When we protect our livers, we protect ourselves from a host of diseases and viruses. If you are aging and you are worried about heart palpitations or hot flashes, do the work of protecting your liver. If you are suffering from symptoms like rashes or rosacea, which are caused by a virus in the liver feeding off copper (this is unknown by medical science and research), protect your liver. No matter what symptoms or conditions you suffer with, it’s critical to cleanse and protect your liver. 

The health of your liver is central to your overall health, along with your health in the future and how quickly you age. Unfortunately, medical science and research and both conventional and alternative health communities aren’t aware of exactly how the liver works, how its health contributes to countless symptoms and conditions, and how to best support your liver and restore your health. While some of the liver’s functions are known, the majority are still undiscovered, so it’s critical that you become an expert on your liver and know what’s really happening in your body. Read my book Liver Rescue so you can hold the truth in your hands and be empowered to change the course of your health. Try my 3-6-9 Liver Rescue Cleanse in the book. Do not get lost in the excess of information and trends out there. You can now have what you need to begin really healing and protecting yourself and your loved ones.

This item posted: 13-Oct-2018

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