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Video: Healing From Allergies

Healing From Allergies

Healing From Allergies

Have you ever been to an allergist or taken an allergy test? Perhaps you’ve been told you’re allergic to certain fruits or vegetables, like celery or apples, but you’ve never noticed any reactions. Or perhaps you haven’t been told you’re allergic to a particular fruit or vegetable, but after you eat it, you experience symptoms like bloating, stomachache, headache, fatigue, itchiness, or burning sensations.

There are many tests available that claim to show if you’re allergic to certain foods. Unfortunately, these tests aren’t always accurate, and they often provide people with misinformation that can lead to confusion and frustration. This isn’t the fault of the practitioners who provide the tests. Science and research don’t yet understand how the foods we eat act inside the body and all the ways foods affect us. That makes it difficult for tests to accurately assess whether someone is sensitive to a specific food, or whether they’re actually experiencing detox symptoms, or whether their symptoms are caused by something else altogether.

Medical communities also don’t yet understand what really causes food allergies, sensitivities, and seasonal allergies. The true cause of allergic symptoms and reactions, which I’ll discuss more in this article, is usually pathogens in the body. For more detail on healing allergies, check out Liver Rescue.

The Truth About the Digestive Process

Think about when you ate your breakfast this morning. You probably enjoyed the delicious taste of the food as you took a bite and chewed it up, but do you know exactly what happened to the food once it entered your stomach? No, because science and research are still in the primitive stages of discovering what actually occurs when we digest food.

For instance, science has yet to discover that the hydrochloric acid in your stomach is actually composed of a blend of seven different acids. I revealed this truth in Medical Medium. These seven acids carry out a number of tasks that no one in science or medical has discovered. These important acids can be built up with help from particular foods such as celery juice.

Also, researchers haven’t yet identified the valuable subgroups of mineral salts that celery contains (though they are aware that celery contains sodium). These powerful mineral salts change the chemistry inside the intestinal tract, which helps to support the liver and other organs in our body.

If you juice celery, the drink can help kill off H. pylori, reduce inflammation and completely change your digestion for the better, all of which helps heal allergies. These are just a few of the benefits. (I share many more in Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide).

Once medical communities have a deeper understanding of digestion—which won’t happen for some time—they’ll be in a better position to help heal health issues, including allergies.

The Truth About Allergy Testing

Have you or a loved one ever had an IgG test done? This test claims to showcase the foods you’re allergic to, but it’s often inaccurate, and it can negatively affect the dietary choices you make. It’s vital that you don’t let the inaccuracies of this test keep you from eating foods that support your health.

For example, when an IgG test reveals that you’re allergic to celery, it’s likely that the celery is killing off a pathogen and that pathogen is releasing a toxin that’s creating a histamine reaction. Unfortunately, this may inaccurately appear as a celery allergy on the IgG test. In reality, the powerful celery juice in your system is healing you and destroying H. pylori, streptococcus, mold, and more.

Unfortunately, patients who aren’t aware of this can sometimes feel panicked by the long list of foods the test suggests they’re allergic to, and they may dive into unnecessary elimination diets. Hold onto the idea that you may be able to handle powerful, nourishing foods, like celery, just fine. (This is very different than someone who has an extreme, immediate reaction that causes a restriction in the throat, restricts breathing, or swells the mouth and needs immediate medical care).

Other examples of incredibly powerful foods that may inaccurately trigger the IgG test include:

  • Figs, which can help fight off E. coli and streptococcus.
  • Garlic, which can help eradicate H. pylori, C. diff, staph, streptococcus, E. coli, and mold.
  • Bananas, which are incredibly antiviral.

The reason these foods may trigger incorrect results on these type of tests is because when these foods enter the body, they kill pathogens, which then explode and release poisons. Because experts don’t realize this is occuring, they associate results on the test with the foods that appear to elicit these reactions.

Dairy Allergy & Lactose Intolerance

It may come as a surprise to learn that lactose intolerance isn’t actually a result of someone being intolerant to lactose. If you consume a dairy product and notice immediate discomfort—perhaps you are forced to rush to the bathroom—it’s likely due to the dairy products in your system hyper feeding a group of bugs in the colon and intestinal tract. Imagine these bugs like a pack of piranhas feeding. The bugs instantly tear into the dairy product, which stirs up immediate reactions in the body. (“Hyper feeding” is a term Spirit of Compassion taught me to describe scenarios like this).

When these bugs feed off lactose and other constituents in milk, they release a highly toxic poison that can trigger symptoms associated with lactose intolerance, including diarrhea, cramps, bloating, and more. If you take an allergy test but the results don’t mention dairy, you may still have a dairy allergy.

Wheat Allergy

What experts don’t know yet is that when someone has a wheat allergy or celiac disease, it’s not because of the wheat itself, it’s because the person has a pathogen in their body that’s feeding on the wheat. As the pathogen feasts on the wheat, it releases toxins, and that can create symptoms that last a few days or a few weeks. If someone has a wheat allergy or celiac disease, what they really need to do is start addressing the pathogens in their body by removing the foods that feed pathogens and bringing in antiviral and antibacterial foods and supplements. (Learn more about how to do this in my books Medical Medium and Life-Changing Foods).

Pollen, Ragweed, and Hay Fever Allergies

If you have reactions to pollen, ragweed or hay fever, an underlying bacterial infection is the culprit. You can help knock down the bacteria by eliminating the following foods from your diet:

  • Wheat
  • Dairy
  • Eggs
  • Canola oil
  • Soy
  • Corn
  • MSG (Learn about the terms used to conceal the use of MSG in the “What Not to Eat” chapter in Medical Medium).

If you want even quicker healing results, remove:

  • Rye and other grains
  • Pork

Once you eliminate unproductive foods from your diet, any streptococcus or other pathogens in your system won’t have the fuel to proliferate and continue wreaking havoc.

Replace the foods you’ve eliminated from your diet with an abundance of fresh fruits, leafy greens, and vegetables, which can also speed up your healing process. Once you implement these recommendations, your seasonal allergy symptoms are likely to decrease and disappear completely after a period of time.

If major diet shifts seem overwhelming right now, start with one. Remove wheat from your diet, and you might see how even a single shift can ease your symptoms. Once you begin to notice the benefits of a small dietary modification, you may be more motivated to continue removing unproductive foods.

The Issue With Eggs

In the body, eggs can feed bugs and help grow cysts, nodules, fibroids, and tumors. I talk about this in Thyroid Healing. Again, due to the inaccuracy of food testing and so much misinformation, many people who are suffering from these issues or battling cancer believe it’s OK to eat eggs. Furthermore, their allergy testing may sadly lead them to avoid the very foods that could help them heal, such as blueberries or raspberries.

Anaphylactic Shock

Allergies that result in anaphylactic shock are a completely different issue than seasonal allergies or milder food allergies and sensitivities people experience. If you suffer from a severe allergic reaction to things such as peanuts, latex, paint, bee stings, or other foods and medications, it’s important you address these instances differently than seasonal allergies or milder food allergies.

Powerful Foods & Detox Reactions

There are certain incredibly powerful foods, such as fresh fruits, leafy greens, and vegetables, that you can eat to help kill off the pathogens that trigger allergic symptoms and wreak havoc in the system. These fresh, life-giving foods can help draw toxic heavy metals out of the body and eliminate other chemicals and toxins. I recommend reading Liver Rescue and Life-Changing Foods for more information.

As you read earlier, when certain beneficial foods are working to eliminate toxins in the body, these foods can trigger reactions in the body, such as a release of histamine. This may actually be a positive sign of the body detoxing and pushing unproductive substances out of the system. If you’ve had an IgG test or other allergy test done that suggests you avoid beneficial fruits and vegetables, it’s critical to reassess these suggestions.

Puzzling Detox Reactions

Do you or a loved one experience burning sensations around the mouth when you eat a piece of fruit, such as an apple? This peculiar feeling around the lips happens to a number of people. In the case of the apple, it may be that in the past you ate a conventional apple that was filled with pesticides or DDT, which is still in use in various parts of the world today. When you bit into the chemical-saturated apple, a reaction occurred. Following this, any subsequent apple you eat can trigger a similar physical reaction.

Fortunately, you can resolve this issue over time by implementing certain healing measures. To begin with, eliminate the main foods I recommend avoiding: corn, soy, canola oil, eggs, dairy, and pork. You can find the entire list in any of my books. Switch out these unproductive foods for meals and snacks that are filled with fresh fruits, leafy greens, and vegetables. Gradually, you’ll become less reactive, and issues such as burning sensations around the mouth will fade.

Oftentimes people who are suffering from chronic illness eat wheat, dairy, and eggs without realizing that these food choices are holding them back from healing. People may even blame a healing food for causing some of their issues because when they eat a celery stick, cucumber slice, or tomato, the healing properties of the food may temporarily cause some uncomfortable sensations while it draws toxins out of the body. If people don’t recognize these detox symptoms as beneficial, they may avoid foods that can actually help them heal and return to foods like bread, cheese, or butter, which don’t stir up detox symptoms, but stealthily exacerbate health issues over time.

When people are told they’re allergic or sensitive to healing foods such as celery, apples, oranges, and asparagus, it can be confusing and damaging misinformation. If you want to learn more about what’s really happening in your body when you consume healing foods, read Life-Changing Foods. This resource will help you learn about the foods you can feel safe to eat, the foods that are beneficial to avoid, and the things you can do to protect the health and wellbeing of you and your loved ones.

Changes to Consider

The IgG test and other allergy tests are faulty tools, and it’s important that you don’t let the misinformation they provide keep you from bringing healing fruits, leafy greens, and vegetables into your diet. If you’re surprised to learn that the IgG test suggests you’re allergic to pears, melons, raspberries or other fruits and vegetables you’ve never seemed to have a reaction to, talk to your practitioner and see if you could try incorporating these foods into your diet regardless of the test’s results. Removing foods because a faulty test suggests you may be sensitive can be detrimental to your health today and down the road.

Take your healing one day at a time and start by adding in some of the most powerful healing foods, such as celery juice, wild blueberries and sweet potatoes.

Moving Forward

Fortunately, you don’t have to let the guesswork of allergy tests impact your health or the health of your family and friends anymore. Every time you read through this article or flip through a section of Life-Changing Foods, you’re adding information to your knowledge bank that can transform your health and assist your loved ones in transforming theirs. I also recommend reading Liver Rescue for much more on allergies and healing. My wish is that you and your loved ones arm yourselves with these truths that will offer you genuine freedom for your health and well-being.

This item posted: 22-Aug-2017

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