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Video: Hashimoto's & Hypothyroid

Hashimoto's & Hypothyroid

Hashimoto's & Hypothyroid

Did you know that thyroid conditions like Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism are still mysteries to medical science and research? Their true cause and therefore the steps required for healing are not yet known. Although they have the best intentions at heart, medical doctors and other health practitioners are giving recommendations about these conditions and many others without knowing what’s really behind them. As a result, people are being given inaccurate diagnoses and they don’t have the correct knowledge and information they need to truly heal. Below I will share what’s really behind these conditions. You can also read more about them and over a hundred other symptoms and conditions in my book Thyroid Healing

Knowledge is Power

The first thing to recognize is how powerful it is simply to know the truth behind your symptoms or conditions. If you have been given a confusing autoimmune diagnosis and have been told that your body is attacking itself, you may already feel disempowered and hopeless. I am here to share with you that your body is not attacking itself. Your body is on your side and is fighting for you every day. It never attacks itself. This is a misguided theory that has become a belief that is pervasive today and it’s damaging to your health and your loved ones health. You can learn more in Thyroid Healing. I am also going to tell you the true cause of your thyroid condition. When you know the true cause of your symptoms, only then can you truly begin to heal, recover your health, and gain your life back.

For almost all cases of Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism, the true cause is a pathogen in the body that’s attacking the thyroid. That pathogen goes by the name Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). Therefore, your thyroid is not behind your symptoms. It’s the virus that’s infected your thyroid and creating problems and not your body turning against your own thyroid, which is what medical communities mistakenly believe is the cause. The thyroid is not the cause; it is another victim of the true cause—the virus. And your body is not attacking itself, but it is wisely attacking the virus that is creating the symptoms you are experiencing.

When you finally understand that your body is fighting for you, not against you, and that you have an unwanted pathogen in your system, your immune system kicks into gear and begins acting even more efficiently for you and your well-being. This is critical to understand because of all the misinformation floating around today that is preventing people from healing. Simply knowing and understanding deep within your being that your body is on your side and is fighting a virus, not itself, is the very first powerful step toward achieving true health. This is why knowing the truth is so powerful and essential for your healing.

Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s

When you experience symptoms from Hashimoto’s or hypothyroidism, they’re not caused by the thyroid as I just shared. Rather, it’s EBV causing these symptoms. When the thyroid itself is functioning properly, there are actually very few and minor symptoms that result, such as temperature fluctuations. This is because T3 and T4, the only known hormones in the thyroid, are not actually as important to our overall physical well-being as the medical world believes. T3 and T4 are currently, and incorrectly, considered to be the hormones that sustain our livelihood. However, even when some people have normal hormone levels, they still experience symptoms that are associated with Hashimoto’s such as weight gain, weight loss, hair falling out, aches, pains, night sweats, mood swings, brain fog, and fatigue. It is not the hormone levels that are of ultimate concern, although, of course, it is important to maintain healthy levels of T3 and T4. The real reason behind these symptoms is the Epstein-Barr virus causing a low grade infection that’s not detected by medical communities. All of the above symptoms and many more are actually viral symptoms—some of them symptoms of the virus still living back in another organ such as the liver—not thyroid-caused.

In Thyroid Healing, I explain in great detail about the two thyroid hormones that are yet to be discovered. These hormones, R5 and R6, are vastly more important to our health and well-being than T3 and T4. I also explain how EBV comes to infect the liver and other parts of the body and create these symptoms.

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is a more advanced version of hypothyroidism. While some sources will say it’s the other way around—that Hashimoto’s causes hypothyroidism—that’s not the case. And what you have going on in your life, from other stresses on your immune system to diet to the triggers I share in Thyroid Healing, will determine how fast the virus may move from hypothyroidism (slight damage to and underperformance of the thyroid) to full-on Hashimoto’s (a severely inflamed, more damaged thyroid). Childbirth is an especially common trigger for Hashimoto’s, which is why you’ll hear of many new moms developing the disease either directly after giving birth or even up to one to three years later.


When someone has hyperthyroidism, EBV is specifically going into the thyroid, which eventually accelerates tissue growth. EBV is attacking the thyroid so feverishly that the gland grows more tissue to protect itself, and, as a result, to produce more hormones. When you understand that this is actually a protection method and what’s causing the symptoms, you can then take the steps needed to eliminate EBV from your body and begin healing. It is often thought that those with hyperthyroidism cannot gain weight, yet there are many people with this disease who are living with unwanted pounds. They are often told they are an anomaly. However, it is not uncommon. Those who gain weight with hyperthyroidism do so because they have a different variety of EBV, possibly more than one variety, that is sitting in their liver. Over time the liver becomes sluggish due to viral matter and toxic build up. It’s important to understand that it is this sluggish liver that causes the weight gain, not the thyroid.

Moving Forward

Now that you are aware of the true cause of Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism, you can focus on the steps to take for healing. In my book Thyroid Healing, I explain triggers to avoid and healing foods for these conditions. In my article and webinar called Foods that Heal Thyroid, I give examples of powerful foods that fight EBV, restore and protect the thyroid, and keep the thyroid balanced. I also have an article and radio show also called Thyroid Healing in which I talk about how to eliminate EBV and support the thyroid. In this post, as well as in the supplements section of my book.

If you are not ready to start including healing foods into your diet, either for monetary reasons or simply because you are anxious about including things in your life you are unfamiliar with, I understand. Just knowing that your body is fighting a pathogen and not attacking itself is such a powerful step forward. Your body loves you unconditionally and is working for you, not against you, every single day. When you read Thyroid Healing, you will have even more information that can aid in your healing, Just remember to have compassion for yourself and remind yourself every day that your body is on your side.

This item posted: 02-Dec-2017

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