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Free As a Bird Meditation

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Free As a Bird Meditation

As we go through life, it can feel as though something is holding us down and not letting us move forward. The stress of life wraps around our soul and we lose touch with ourselves, feeling like we can’t seem to climb above the noise. This meditation is a chance to break free and become emotionally strong.

The Free as a Bird Meditation is for someone who feels stifled, unheard, misunderstood, trapped, suffocated, or even down right stuck. Or someone who feels cooped up, or unable to travel and get into nature. This meditation is also for those who feel trapped or limited by their chronic illness or debilitating symptoms, or who are stuck on mattress island or couch island, and feel their life passing by, unable to do the activities and life events that their friends and family are doing with ease. When we go through emotional hardships, it can feel as if it leaves a residue on our soul. This residue can become a cage on the outside of our soul disconnecting us from ourselves, or how we feel about others. We can make misjudgments and choices that are out of emotion because we’ve been hurt, this can hold us back from being who we are.

This meditation provides an escape from the very difficult emotional challenges we’re facing every day, and within ourselves, so we can gain clarity and lift the residue off our soul. If we’re sick, and not feeling well, and are living with symptoms, this is a chance to elevate above it, while we’re working on healing. Completing this meditation can bring you in touch with a part of yourself you haven’t been connected to in years. 

Feel free to repeat the Free as a Bird Meditation as often as you’d like. As we go through life, we lose a connection to our very own soul; it becomes confined from all we experience, from hardships, betrayal, broken trust, losses, and the struggles of others that are around us. The cage that wraps around our soul is made of a residue of earthly woes, and this hinders the connection. We can feel like a great weight is upon us, holding us down from flying free and living the life we strive for. You can repeat this meditation when you feel the confines of life taking a grip once again, and building a new cage around your soul. The more you do this meditation, the less the cage can take hold, and the residue can no longer reside and hold you back. 

I recommend making this meditation a regular part of your spiritual growth and healing. When you practice flying free, nothing can hold you down, or get in your soul’s way.

Please do not perform this meditation while driving or operating machinery.

This item posted: 06-Oct-2020

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