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Video: Fillings



All fillings contain some level of toxic materials. Most people need to get multiple fillings in their lifetime, so it's unavoidable that we have some toxic exposure from them.

If you get new cavities, select the safest filling option available—and make sure it doesn’t contain mercury. Porcelain/ceramic fillings are better than other filling choices. Anything is better than a filling that contains mercury.

Mercury Fillings

It’s common knowledge that mercury fillings are not ideal. But contrary to popular belief, the best answer isn't necessarily to have them removed by your dentist.

Firstly, unless a tooth with a mercury amalgam cracks, breaks or decays, it’s best to not remove your fillings. The mercury is contained and will be far less detrimental to your health if they’re left alone. If a filling is damaged by a tooth breaking or decaying, that’s when it is helpful to remove the amalgam.

If you are someone who already struggles with a host of health issues, such as memory loss, heart palpitations, brain fog, deficiencies, a heavy viral or toxic load, sensitive nervous system and many more, it’s particularly important to leave them where they are so the removal doesn’t trigger even more sickness. It’s tragic to see people, who were already experiencing health issues, remove all of their fillings at once and then experience a collapse of their health and wellbeing.

If you’re insistent that you want to remove your mercury amalgams or they’re broken and you have several of them, it’s important you do not remove them all at once. Instead, try to visit a well-equipped biological, holistic, or trusted conventional dentist and have them removed one at a time every month, every three months, or even every six months depending on your overall health.

As a filling is removed, mercury in the amalgam can vaporize, enter the bloodstream, and weaken the immune system. Spacing out the removal process of each amalgam allows the immune system to recover from the release of the mercury and helps minimize the impact on your health. This is especially important if you already struggle with neurological symptoms, sensitivities, or illness.

The removal of these fillings and the subsequent vaporized mercury act as a trigger, and when the immune system is in a weakened state, viral and bacterial infections such as Epstein-Barr virus and streptococcus can easily take root and grow stronger by feeding on the mercury released into the bloodstream. Many people suffer from neurological symptoms and conditions such as severe anxiety, depression, tingles, numbness, brain fog, memory loss, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, MS, ringing in the ears, vertigo, dizziness, fatigue, and many other mystery symptoms after having their fillings removed all at once because of this.

If you’ve already removed your fillings all at once, do not be disheartened. You can still recover. It’s time to dive into the heavy metal detox protocol I discuss in Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes. It’s imperative to practice the heavy metal protocol while building up your immune system to help your body to restore. This is helpful even if you’ve had only one removed.

This item posted: 13-Sep-2023

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