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Medical Medium Podcast:

Chemtrails: The Sky Is Falling

The information in this podcast and the article below is advanced, ahead of science and research, and is part of the Medical Medium information that has helped to heal millions of people worldwide. Please cite back to this original source so others have the opportunity to recover and get their lives back.

Chemtrails: The Sky Is Falling

In this podcast episode, you will learn the shocking truths from Spirit of Compassion about Chemtrails, how they affect all of us, and what your body needs from you to protect your health.

My first experience with Chemtrails was as a child when Spirit of Compassion explained to me that there are Contrails and then there are man-made poison trails, where man is poisoning man. This harsh truth I learned as a child, is what we now know as Chemtrails. So, I call it “The Chemtrail Game.”

Chemtrails and Animals
When bees are docile and seen crawling on the ground, people often assume they are misplaced, but instead are dying a slow death.

Chemtrails and the Environment
Each new generation doesn’t know how clear and blue the sky was in the past, we were born and raised with the new sky and that is all we know. We have become frogs in a pot of boiling water. Just like the frog that doesn’t know the temperature in the water has changed until it’s too late, we don’t realize the sky is becoming less blue.

Tools to Protect Yourself
To support your liver and flush out these harmful toxins, I recommend bringing these Medical Medium tools into your daily life:

  • 16 to 32 ounces lemon water
  • 16 ounces celery juice
  • Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

Other Topics Discussed in this (Podcast) Episode Include:

  • The hidden history of Chemtrails and secrets behind the planes you see in the sky
  • Flocks of birds dying all at once, we’re losing our bees, and sea life washing up on the shore, what’s the deal?
  • What we are really breathing in when jogging in the mornings
  • The dirty secret of the red tides, and the real reason our skies are no longer a rich blue
  • Is there anything in our rain besides water?
  • What’s going on with grass-fed animals and the health of our soil
  • Are Chemtrails affecting weather and the climate?
  • Why are the Polar Caps really melting?
  • What your body needs from you and how to protect yourself

Moving Forward

It is not enough in the health world today to just be a health expert; you need to know why you are sick and what you are really up against. There is hope when you are empowered and have the truth about what is going on. Your body needs to be validated and know you understand its fight, that you possess the right tools to heal, and that you are ready to work together to fight for your health.

This item posted: 20-Sep-2020

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