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Video: Celery Juice & Metabolism

Celery Juice & Metabolism

Celery Juice & Metabolism

If you’ve struggled with your weight, you may have been told it’s because you have a slow metabolism so you gain unwanted weight easily. Or perhaps you’ve struggled to keep weight on and been told it’s because your metabolism is “too fast”. None of this is true. When it comes to weight issues, you might be surprised to learn that metabolism actually isn’t the problem. Placing the blame on metabolism has distracted us from understanding what’s really going on. 

I know it might sound contrary to everything you’ve been told, but read on to learn the true cause of weight issues. This is advanced healing information that will put your health and healing back in your hands. 

First, let’s begin with what metabolism is in the first place. The discovery of metabolism is simply the finding that we consume food, which provides energy that makes our bodies run and keeps us alive. That’s it. That process is metabolism. Blaming faulty metabolism for weight issues is incorrect and disempowering. There are deeper reasons people struggle with weight and it’s these deeper reasons that are behind why one person can eat healthy and exercise and still gain weight and someone else can eat processed food for most meals and stay thin. 

Your Best Ally for Healthy Weight: Your Liver

The true cause of what’s deemed “slow metabolism” is actually a sluggish, stagnant, toxic liver. I describe how this develops in Liver Rescue: Answers to Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloating, Gallstones, Adrenal Stress, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Weight Issues, SIBO & Autoimmune Disease. Once you understand what’s really causing weight problems, and liver problems, you’ll see that the focus on metabolism is misinformation. 

When someone struggles with excess weight, it’s a great burden, physically and emotionally. Sadly, weight is judged and viewed in such a negative way in this world. People with extra weight may not be taken seriously. They may be viewed by others as lazy or incapable of taking care of themselves and their families. They may even get made fun of. All of this is heartbreaking and wrong. Your weight has nothing to do with your soul. It has nothing to do with who you are as a person. But struggles with weight certainly do have an impact on quality of life, and that’s why it’s important to get to the root cause and the real answers.

In Liver Rescue, I refer to the troublemakers that lead to a sluggish and toxic liver (which eventually leads to weight issues), including: 

  • Viruses and bacteria, such as Epstein-Barr virus, herpes, streptococcus and the dozens of varieties within different pathogenic families. In addition to causing damage on their own, viruses and bacteria create even more harm when they feed on their favorite foods such as heavy metals; toxins; and foods like eggs, gluten and dairy. Medical research and science are not yet aware that viruses feed at all, or what they feed on. You can read all about this topic in Liver Rescue and Thyroid Healing, along with a list of which foods to avoid for your health and to avoid feeding pathogens inside your body. The pathogens’ eating and waste processes create harmful byproducts and debris that sit inside your liver or elsewhere in your body. When people have a positive or elevated inflammatory marker, C-Reactive Protein (CRP) level, antinuclear antibody (ANA) test, homocysteine level or MTHFR mutation test, it’s caused by these viral byproducts, although you don’t have to test positive for any of these to have viral debris inside your body. Almost everyone today is living with viruses they are unaware of. 
  • Toxic heavy metals, such as copper, mercury, aluminum, lead, nickel, cadmium, barium and arsenic take up residence in the liver and throughout the body and cause or contribute to all kinds of health conditions and symptoms.
  • Synthetic chemicals, including pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides; conventional cleaning products and detergents; colognes, perfumes, scented candles and air fresheners; and petrochemicals, gasoline fumes, solvents and plastics. These toxins bog down the liver further.
  • Toxic hormones, such as adrenaline, which is released when we’re under stress, and which is extremely corrosive to our bodies and livers adds further burden to the liver. 

These are just some of the factors that lead to a sluggish liver, which in turn leads to the eventual weight issues discussed. 

The Path to Healing

Celery juice is one of your healing tools for correcting weight issues. Celery is an herb (not a vegetable) that when juiced and consumed on an empty stomach every morning disarms (aim fo 16 ounces or more) and flushes out toxins. It also disperses fat cells that attach to and surround toxins. I describe how this miraculous herbal tonic works in Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide and exactly how to consume it to receive its many healing benefits. Celery juice powerfully cleans, strengthens and revives the liver.

When someone is experiencing unwanted weight gain it means their liver has been collecting and storing an abundance of fat cells. And that happens because the liver has been beaten down and burdened by toxins and pathogens (often combined with a diet that’s too high in fat, as almost everybody is eating too much fat, even though they don’t realize it). Once the liver is maxed out with fat cells, weight starts to show up on the body. 

If you feel like you’re always battling a pound or two, or you’re always in the gym but you can’t knock off the extra weight, it’s likely because your liver is burdened, filled with fat, toxins and viruses. Your liver—not metabolism—is responsible for weight issues throughout the body. Thankfully, with the information provided here you can support your liver so it can heal and weight can regulate.

People who deal with weight issues are also often dealing with lymphatic issues. That’s because when the liver gets overloaded and sluggish, then the blood and lymphatic system get clogged up too. Fortunately, celery juice not only cleans up the liver, but also the blood, the lymphatic system and every other part of the body and brain. 

The healing chemical compounds in celery juice drop down into the digestive system, absorb into the intestinal tract walls, go through the hepatic portal vein and then enter the liver. The celery juice cleans and heals along this pathway until it arrives at the liver like a medicinal infusion, helping the liver and the entire body to function and heal. Unknown to research and science, the liver performs more than 2,000 chemical functions. See Liver Rescue to learn more about this incredible organ and how to care for it. The liver’s role in our health is paramount—and severely misunderstood and under-appreciated. In truth, a large part of how the liver works is a complete mystery to medical research and science, and certainly how an overburdened liver is responsible for mystery weight problems. 

Remember, your liver is a nesting place for the troublemakers I mentioned earlier and those listed in Liver Rescue. And celery juice, as I describe in Medical Medium Celery Juice, contains a subgroup of sodium I call “sodium cluster salts” that strip down the outer membrane of viral cells, breaking them down and flushing them out of the body. Those cluster salts also bind onto viral debris, helping the body flush those out as well. Celery juice plays a similar role when it comes to toxic heavy metals and chemicals. Celery juice’s compounds flow through the bloodstream, disarming the destructive charge of toxins and moving them out of the body. These toxins and poisons in the body trigger unseen allergic reactions, which trigger the adrenals and can lead to higher heart rate, especially in people who experience unwelcome mystery weight loss. They also slow the liver’s ability to perform its critical functions. 

Another property of celery juice is it breaks down and helps dissolve fat cells that are stored in the liver, allowing the fat cells to be urinated out and eliminated from the body. This is an important distinction to make: fat cells are broken down and eliminated and that’s how weight loss occurs. It does not occur from fat being “burned” like the metabolism theory implies, which you now know is incorrect. Celery juice is also loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that feed and strengthen the liver. It’s a medicinal elixir that allows your liver—and the rest of your body and brain—to function at its best. As the celery juice cleans up the liver, excess weight will begin to shed too. 

If you’re someone who is underweight or deals with unwanted weight loss, you’ll experience the benefits from celery juice too. Unwanted, mystery weight loss is usually the result of a chronic, low-grade viral infection, such as EBV, inside the liver, setting off the body’s alarm system, essentially creating an allergic reaction that prompts the adrenals to release consistently high levels of adrenaline. Basically, the adrenaline acts as an amphetamine. Often, mystery weight loss doesn’t last forever, because eventually the liver becomes so tired, sluggish, and exhausted from fielding mass amounts of adrenaline that the situation flips, and people start gaining weight instead, even if it’s ten years later. The beauty of celery juice is that it’s a great balancer, bringing life back to your liver and helping your body to return to a healthy weight for you. 

If you’re experiencing weight issues of any kind (or if you simply want to take preventative action for your overall health), consider these tips: 

  • Drink 16 ounces (or more) of pure celery juice daily on an empty stomach every morning. Remember this is not a meal replacement. Rather, it’s a medicinal herbal tonic. You can eat breakfast 30 minutes after you’ve finished your celery juice. 
  • Drink the Medical Medium Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie daily to remove the toxic heavy metal load in your body.
  • Lower your fat and protein intake to give your liver a break from the job of constantly processing them. If you eat a plant based diet, this means lowering your oils, nuts and seeds.
  • Avoid eggs; gluten; and milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, kefir and any other dairy products because these foods feed the pathogens that contribute to a sluggish liver.
  • Try the Liver Rescue 3:6:9 Cleanse in Liver Rescue and incorporate the Liver Rescue Mornings and other healing guidance in the book as much as possible. 

Your life is precious. These are your years, your months, your days. I am here to give you answers to your symptoms and conditions, including weight issues, and the information on how to heal so you can start taking back control of your life and your health. Now you know that weight issues aren’t because of your metabolism or genetics or even aging. They’re because of a sick liver that needs your attention. You have the power to care for your liver and achieve a healthy weight. You deserve to heal.

This item posted: 12-Sep-2019

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