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Video: Cantaloupe Smoothie

Cantaloupe Smoothie

Cantaloupe Smoothie

Ripe cantaloupe (also known as rockmelon) is delicious all on its own but turn it into a creamy, frosty smoothie with a touch of vanilla and cinnamon and you won’t be able to believe how indulgent it tastes! You will know your cantaloupe is ready to cut into when it emits a sweet and lightly floral aroma and it yields slightly to gently pressure applied to the skin.

The high vitamin C content in cantaloupes is critical for immune system support and to fight bacterial and viral infections. Cantaloupe is also excellent for helping to relieve nerves and calm anxieties. It is known to keep the heartbeat normal and regulated while under stress as well as keep muscles relaxed and free from cramps and hypertension. 

The rich vitamin A and beta-carotene content in cantaloupe helps to lower the risk of cataracts and aids in maintaining healthy eyesight. Cantaloupe also aids the body in excreting excess sodium, which helps to reduce water retention and bloating.

Cinnamon has the highest antioxidant strength of all the food sources and is several hundred times more potent than any fruit or vegetable. Cinnamon is particularly good for helping diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, flatulence, and arthritis. It is also very beneficial for lowering cholesterol and to help regulate blood sugar. 

Vanilla has a calming effect on the nervous system and is an effective treatment for anxiety and stress. The aroma of vanilla beans alone has been shown to increase feelings of relaxation and happiness. One of the major medicinal compounds in vanilla beans is called vanillin, which in small doses is known to greatly aid digestion, decrease headaches, and provide relief for an upset stomach.

Cinnamon & Vanilla Cantaloupe Smoothie 

  • 1 cantaloupe, peeled, deseeded and roughly chopped
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 cup ice
  • Seeds from 1/2 vanilla pod or 1/2 tsp alcohol-free vanilla extract
  • 1-2 tbsp raw honey (optional but recommended if your melon isn’t very sweet)

Serves: 2 

Place the cantaloupe, vanilla, cinnamon, raw honey and ice in a blender and blend until smooth. 

Learn more about the hidden healing powers of fruits and vegetables in the #1 New York Times Bestselling book Life-Changing Foods

This item posted: 22-Jun-2018

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