Medical Medium Healing Essential

Video: Caffeine Truths

Caffeine Truths

Caffeine Truths

Caffeine (including coffee, matcha, chocolate, black tea, and green tea) has two effects that can impact your health negatively, especially if you are cleansing with the guidance in Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal in order to heal chronic illnesses, symptoms, and conditions. One, it dehydrates the body. Two, it prompts the adrenal glands to pump unnecessary levels of adrenaline into your bloodstream, causing a variety of compromises to your brain, liver, and kidneys. 

Caffeine gives the adrenals a sense of fight or flight without our actual life circumstances being fight or flight. Now, fight or flight is a privilege we hold, an option for when we’re dealing with stress, loss, or confrontation. Fight or flight is the release of complex blends of life-saving hormones from the adrenals, blends that medical research and science don’t yet even comprehend. It’s for when we’re in a time of need and require the ability to think or act fast for survival. 

When we consume caffeine, it creates a boy-who-cried-wolf situation. It’s a kid pulling the fire alarm at school when there’s no fire. If you’re consuming caffeine all day long, you’re continually telling your body that there’s a crisis, prompting your adrenals to respond all day long. That can create a numbness. When a real crisis comes, we may not respond appropriately because we’re basically immune to the experience of adrenaline hitting the central nervous system. And the specific blend of adrenaline that fight or flight triggers can be highly toxic to the body because it’s highly acidic and corrosive to the nervous system and organs. This kind of adrenaline release is not meant to be used every day, let alone multiple times a day. It's meant to be used sparingly. Over time, this adrenaline blend can slowly scorch the liver as the organ sponges up the adrenaline to protect you.

Caffeine addiction forces the adrenals to pump a harsh blend of adrenaline through the body for hours and hours. It’s truly unhealthy, and down the road, it’s going to lead to aging, damaged skin, brain fog, severe focus and concentration problems, fatigue, hair loss, and weight gain. These symptoms may not show themselves in someone’s 20s. They tend to surface later in the 30s and 40s. Even if someone is experiencing weight loss or stable weight right now, they can still gain weight from it later, once the adrenals have been trashed enough or the liver has become stagnant and sluggish enough from excess adrenaline caused by caffeine use. It also causes reactions such as blood sugar imbalances, headaches, insomnia, anxiousness, mysterious sadness, depersonalization, chronic dehydration, kidney stones, and adrenal fatigue.

Caffeine feels good. It gets us to get up and go. But we pay a price for relying on caffeine to do that. When something has that much control over your life, it’s not about giving you pleasure anymore. It’s about taking something away that you weren’t even aware was being taken away. Experiencing life without reliance on a stimulant is a positive direction to take for physical and spiritual elevation. Don’t let caffeine be the factor that holds you back.

- Excerpts from Cleanse To Heal. Read more about how caffeine affects our health in Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal and how you can cleanse your body to heal from its effects.

This item posted: 08-Oct-2020

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