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Video: Bell Peppers

Bell Peppers

Bell Peppers

Bell peppers contain an impressive amount of vitamin C with up to as much as six times as oranges. Bell peppers are also packed with vitamin A and beta carotene which can help boost the immune system, improve vision, and help protect the eyes against cataracts. They are also an excellent source of potassium, fiber, thiamine, beta carotene, folate, zeaxanthin, and lycopene and have been shown to help prevent blood clot formation and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. 

They are excellent for helping to lower cholesterol levels and they contain anti-cancer compounds that can help lower the risk of prostate, breast, lung, and colon cancer. Bell peppers are highly beneficial for the brain and can help to strengthen memory and concentration skills as well as reduce brain fog and confusion. 

Bell peppers are an ideal weight loss food as their fiber helps to curb the appetite while helping to keep you energized throughout the day. Green bell peppers are technically an “unripe” pepper. Even though green peppers are edible, the red, orange, and yellow bell peppers contain significantly higher levels of vitamins, mineral, and antioxidants. 

Bell peppers are so sweet, crunchy, and juicy that they are a perfect snack to munch on and are a fantastic addition to salads, wraps, nori rolls, hummus, and dips. They are also great juiced, steamed, sauteed, and stuffed. Try making a raw soup by blending red bell peppers and tomatoes together with a clove of garlic, a few leaves of fresh basil, and chopped scallions and avocado on top. 

It is a refreshing, light, nutrient packed meal that can nourish your body and keep your immune system functioning strong. Also experiment with the deliciously sweet orange bell pepper which is a favorite among kids and adults alike. Bell peppers can be found at your local grocery and health food store. Choose organic for its health promoting properties whenever possible.

This item posted: 25-Apr-2015

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